Yeah, remember I last wrote about my pastor's wife saying she would like to watch my twins all day on Tuesday? Well, today is Tuesday and she took my twins all day!
My pastor's Mom drove to my home from her home 'over the hill', and picked up my girls. It was awesome, not once did they cry when they left me at the curb. My pastor's wife and her Mom and from took her children and my twins to this cool new toddler friendly place called Super Franks.
The place is new and it seems my twins loved it. They got to play with all the toy equipment in the fun adventure place for children. They liked it so much, they did not want to leave.
Well, they arrived home a little after 6PM. They had fallen asleep on the drive home. Once at our homes curb, I heard a knock on my door. It was my pastor's wife's son. My twins were home.
Twin B was kinda groggy and Twin A was chipper.
I was so blessed by the gift I was given today. I certainly serve a loving and compassionate God. He seems my needs and my way to get a break from my precious twins.
It was nice getting a break. I was able to complete part two of my mystery shop and just get out of the house.
Once my pastor's wife and her Mom left, Twin B went ballistic. Not because she wanted stay with my pastor's wife and her Mom, but because she was so exhausted!! She would not stop crying. Both my twins did not take a nap all day. Sometimes, having fun will have its downside. This is a downside I have seen twice since Twin B has become a toddler.
It is true, sometimes, being too tired will bring out the worst in a toddler who missed their afternoon nap.
Twin A was fine. Not once did she go ballistic or have a meltdown as it is called these days.
Thank you my pastor's wife and your Mom. It would be my pleasure to do the same for you.
God Bless!
Drinking Coffee and Inflammation Issues
A long time ago, I found this company online and had to try it out. So, I
have been drinking this herbal coffee/tea for over 5 years now. When I
found out ...
6 years ago
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