
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

TwiceBabies are becoming Best Friends

Lately, TwiceBaby B likes to sleep next to her sister, TwiceBaby A at night. They turn on the table lamp for a while and just "talk". Oh yeah, they will talk until one falls asleep. Then, the one up will go turn the lamp off and sleep next to her sister.

Isn't that sweet!

I think so. TwiceBaby B seems to like to comfort her sister when she is not able to fall asleep yet.

Now, I only wish they treated each other this way during the daytime.

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. It is a cool blog for parents of twins. My uncle was blessed with twin girls a couple of years back. I have emailed him the url of your blog. I am sure he will enjoy reading your posts just as much as I did.
