
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Twicebabies are becoming more Vocal

Twin toddlers, just like a singlton toddler I am sure, begin to use their voices more around 29 months of age. I could be wrong, but my twins, along with their own private language, are now repeating my every word these days.

They just love talking. I think they like hearing their own voices.

I on the other hand, get tired of their voices constantly rambling on for what seems like hours, but on no, they are only talking for minutes.

Twin A loves PB&Js, but she tells me she wants one like this: "San, San" and she points to where I have the bread and PB&J.

Twin B will have none of it. She turns her head and will only eat pureed foods like squash and the like.

Oh yes, you may think it cute your toddler or toddler twins are talking, but once they begin talking, it never stops....

God Bless!

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