For my baby showers, yes I had three baby showers, I received Avent Bottles as gifts. Everyone says they love them and they work like a charm.
Well, that venting system did not sit well with me. Now, I am not sure if the nipple top was put on too tight or what, but even in the first two months of using those darn bottles they leaked on me! I was not a happy camper...
It did not matter if I put the top on loose or tight, it still leaked.
After 4-5 months of my twins birth, Daddy went to Wal Mart and found the Soothie bottles like the Soothie Binky's our babies sucked on in the NI CU.
If you had preemies, then the Soothie is the pacifier they sucked on. If you did not have preemies, then this will not apply to you.
Anyway, one Daddy brought home the Soothie bottles, we used those all the time and guess what, they made me happy camper. And you know why? BINGO! They did not leak like a sieve!
Oh yeah, Avent says their bottles are clinically proven to reduce colic and gas, but in my twins because they were preemies and they bellies were still developing, these bottles were of no help to them.
My sweet babies tummy's were always in knots and hard too. They could not handle that Similar NeoSure Formula the hospital had them live on for the first 9 months of their life. But get this, their pediatrician, which I changed from, wanted our twins to drink that Very Expensive NeoSure for 12 months! Twelve Months! He must think money grows on trees!
But I digress.....
In the end, it is up to you which bottle you will use. This is only one suggestion and opinion.
Here is the Avent and Soothie websites for your convenience.
Drinking Coffee and Inflammation Issues
A long time ago, I found this company online and had to try it out. So, I
have been drinking this herbal coffee/tea for over 5 years now. When I
found out ...
6 years ago
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