
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Happy Birthday To Mommy

Yes, today, September 30th, is my birthday. Yeah, another year older and hopefully wiser!

Last night my Aunt and Uncle came over like they do every month to see their twin great nieces and to celebrate my birthday. We all went to Chili's and had a very nice time. Even our twins were being good.

Twin "B" was sitting in between Mommy and Uncle, while Twin "A" was sitting in between Daddy and Auntie. Twin "B" could hear a baby across from us and she kept pointing to the baby and saying, "Baby".

My twins voices are so sweet and just adorable.

For a dessert, I got the Chocolate Molten Cake which is just amazing. You have to try it next time you are at Chili's.

Then today, my actual birthday, my husband's Dad and Mom came over to watch their twin grand babies while we went to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. It was quick and so good. This place in town makes the best "authentic" Mexican food and at a very good price as well.

While my hubby and I were eating, I began to get these smells or scents as you will, in my nose from when my twins were born preemies and in the NICU. It is the weirdest thing. Have you ever had a smell or scent come back to you from a long time ago or even recently? Well, this smell or scent was of me feeding my twins their preemie gavage formula (NeoSure). You see, when my twins were born, they could not feed from a baby bottle yet, so they had to be gavage fed (through a tube) . I would have to hold the tube up high or low for them to get more or less food into their tiny developing bodies.

Anyway, that scent of preemie formula, which was and still is, very expensive, found its way into my nose this evening. In fact, I can still smell it right now. It brings back good memories and also brings tears to my eyes because I remember how fragile my twins were for those two weeks they had to be in an incubator connected to an oxygen tank until they could breath on their own.

Now, today, you would never know they were once preemies and myself and my family have the Lord the thank for their rapid grown and ability to learn without any repercussions from being born so little.

So, that is my story today.

Have a blessed evening everyone!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The (Twin) Pointer Sisters

Because my twins love attempting to talk these days, they are now beginning to recognize Daddy, Mommy and "Ssss" to by pointing.

That is right, Twins "A&B" are now pointing to each other or Mommy and Daddy when Daddy or Mommy say, "Who is Mommy, Who is Daddy, Who is "Twin "A" and Who is Twin "B"?

And, right on cue, either Twin "A" or Twin "B" will point to who we are speaking about. It is so cool. I love it when they begin to comprehend what we are talking about. Especially when it comes to people.

I mean, they have been comprehending objects and sounds since they were 10 months, but now, they are growing so fast and their learning skills are increasing.

It just amazes Daddy and Mommy.

Praise you Jesus for healthy and bright babies.

Have a blessed day everyone!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Home Furniture Can Be Expensive, But Not at Modern Line Furniture

Your home reflects who you are and there is no better way to reflect your personality than with home furnishings. Do you like the look and feel of leather? If so, Modern Line Furniture has leather sofa sets in many styles and colors or you might just want a leather sofa, no set at all. Or, you might be in the market for a simple leather love seat. What if your home is so big, it needs a leather sectiona to fill up the space.

Maybe, you are looking for new chairs, an ottoman or a lounge chair to fill a space somewhere in your home, condo or apartment that needs some love.

Is your dining room set outdated or looks old? Then this is the place to see all the designs and sizes of dining room sets to fit your personality and price range.

Are you a modern furniture type with a twist of retro? If so, check these awesome living room sets that are sure to fit in with what you have in mind or what decor you have had in mind for a while now.

If custom furniture is what you are after, then you know you have come to the right place. Whatever design, color, fabric of furniture you want for your home, it is all right here. So why not check out all the furniture for your home right now. There is no time like the present to furnish your home the way you want it and reflect the way you feel inside.

When you do purchase your furniture with Modern Line Furniture, you are able to use their free room planner. This is something so valuable too because who really wants to purchase furniture that is too large for a space, right?

With all the lovely furniture available at Modern Line Furniture, there is no other place to go for all the furniture in your home.

Contemporary furniture

Twins with Personalilty Plus

The older my twins get, the more their personalities begin to come into bloom.

When my girls are doing their best to communicate something to me, they always point to what they are looking at or want with words like, "B" or "Goahshs catsga".

About four months ago, I began teaching them sign language with this Baby Sign card I received from one of my Mommy and Me Club meetings. So far, my twins know: Bib, Eat, Sleep, More, Enough or Done, Love, Juice and Milk.

With these signs, I am able to communicate a bit more with them, but it has taken a while for them to begin using these signs. Their sign and verbalization for going to the bathroom is, "Pee Pee," and some other word I will not tell share with you,along with them showing me where they need or want to go "pee pee".

Oh, my twins have the sweetest dispositions. They love to me near me, at all times and they love running to, "Mama, Mama, Mama".

Did your twins ever slow down once they learned to walk? Mine have not.

My twins love each other, but to the point where they egg each other on all the time. When I see them fighting, I tell them to L-O-V-E each other!!

Goodness, I am blessed indeed with sweet baby girls. Praise you Jesus for my twins.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Don't Stress Over Wedding Invitations!

That is right, why are you stressing over wedding invitations and cards when you can be browsing through beautiful wedding invitations and cards at Wedding-Needs. I understand that buying wedding invitations can be a stressful job, I was once there, but once you have found your perfect wedding invitations, you will be all the more relieved.

Have you been looking for bridal shower invitations, but have not found the ones that fit your personality? How about the Ohh La La shower invitation or a Sunny Day bridal invitation. I can show you more, but only you know the one that is best for you,right?

If you and your fiancee' are on a budget and need cheap wedding invitations, you can use the free wedding budget worksheet at Wedding-Needs too.

Are you a classical or traditional bride like I was? If so, Wedding Needs offers the most beautiful invitations like the Pearl Elegance invitations which has a pearl border on the invitation and RSVP card, how about the Elegant Calla Lilies in Ecru, which as the name suggests, has calla lilies in the border of the invitation and RSVP card. Along with these two designs are 93 other classical or traditional invitation designs for your choosing.

Are classical or traditional invitation not your style? Take a look at these modern invitations like the As the Leaves Fall invitation if your wedding is this fall season. Maybe your having a winter wedding and this Snowflake in Pearl is more of what you are looking for. There are many designs to choose from depending on what your wedding theme is or will be.

If unique wedding inviations are what you are after, check out the Color Blocked Medely, Mocha Layers, Array of Colors and many more unique inviations you can look at.

Do you live at the beach or by the beach or just love the beach? Then, Wedding Needs has just what you are looking for. Look at these way cool beach invitations like the Message in a Bottle, Seashore Splendor, Hint of Blue, Show and Tell, Love on the Beach and many, many more to choose from.

Maybe, just maybe you want to be a princess on your wedding day. Wedding Needs has this most lovely Happily Ever After wedding invitation from Disney which is embossed with a carriage. If you want Cinderella and her Prince on the invitation, the Written in the Stars invitation is the one for you. If you love Micky and Minnie like I do, you just might want the Forever in Love invitation instead.

Once you have found your invitation to send to all your family, friends and co workers, it would be just so sad if they forgot your wedding day! What if there was the most perfect reminder for your guests, like a magnet to place on their refrigerator. A magnet like this: A Royal Save the Date Magnet, Circle of Love, Chosen Day and many, many more!

Wedding Needs offers so many invitations for your special day you will be amazed. But why stop at wedding invitation when you will need to send all your family and friends a thank you note or card as well. Here are just a few that will put a smile on your family and friends faces: A Special Thank You, Diva Couple Thank You Note and other beautiful thank you cards to choose from.

Besides the links I have shown you, you can also search by color, themse or flower.

Oh, and when you purchase wedding invitations over $100.00 withWedding Needs, you get free thank you notes.

This website has it all. Everything you want or need for your perfect wedding day is here, at your fingertips.

The Final Four

Ah yes, my twins are coming down to their Final Four teeth (molars) that is.

My twins are in so much pain. They have rashes in which you could not imagine in their bottoms and elsewhere. They cry, only when they think about the pain, I believe. That would be when they take a nap or go down for their bedtime at night.

It is so sad, still, to see them going through this.

Would you want to be a baby again? Or, a growing person from infant hood to toddler hood?

Not me.

Adults have it hard enough as it is, but to go back to infant/toddler hood is not a walk in the park or piece of cake either.

The Final Four (molars), is, IMOA, what makes the Two's so terrible. Well, my twins will be two in less than two months.

If you were to see my twins though, you would see they are good, little girls. Sure, they fight, pinch and take toys from each other, but what child does not? They have to be taught, which I do, what not to do.

Learning takes time and patience, which I lack, but and working on. Yes, I am a work in progress Mommy and work in progress Christian.

Have a blessed day everyone!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Today is my Twins Great Gramma's Birthday

That's right, my twins have a Great Gramma. That is amazing!!
Let's see, my Gramma, my twins Great Gramma, and my Mom, my twins Nana, are 50 and 20 years apart, respectively. It is awesome how long my Gramma has lived. I called her this morning and sang, "Happy Birthday to You" and we got to talking about all the children she has along with all the love she has. My Gramma has so many grand and great grand children.
My Gramma is definitely blessed and praises Jesus everyday for her health and well being.
Happy Birthday Gramma! We love you!

When Daddy Get's a Day to Golf

Since our twins have been born, Daddy has not been able to golf every other week like he used to. Well, today is Daddy's annual Golf Day with his Dad and our neighbor.

I have encouraged Daddy to golf every over week like he used to, but no, I think he will wait until next Spring to get back into the "swing" of things. I know Daddy misses golfing like he used to. I mean, Mommy (me), never stopped him from golfing. But, since Mommy went through a horrible bout of post partum depression, Daddy thought it was best to help me out.

Our twins will be 23 weeks next Friday and sooner than we thought, turn 2!!

Wow....from Preemies to Toddlers who love to walk and run and now on their way to using sentences, it has been one amazing ride for Daddy and Mommy thus far.

Praise you Jesus for these sweet, little miracles you gave us to love and cherish.

Anyway, so all day today, Daddy gets one day to play golf with his friends, no work, only play.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Play Group with my Twins

Today, play group was at my home. Two of my church friends came over with their children. Well, when they arrived, Twin "B" went into crying mode. I mean, she did not hold back. Oh no, she cried in my ears, she cried as she ran to me and she would not leave my lap for at least 15 minutes.

Yeah, we do not get out that much and this is why I really love play group. Especially at homes where it is more comfortable.

My church as created a little group with no more than 6-7 parents at any given time.

After Twin "B" calmed down and realized these are her friends, she actually began to play with them. Honestly, I think she has a short attention span when it comes to seeing people she does not see on a normal basis.

Well, she sees them at church, but when a week goes by, I guess her memory would become a little fuzzy.

Twin "A" was not as bad off as her sister. Twin "A" did sit on my lap, but no tears. Twin "A" actually got up and began playing with her peers or friends if you will.

We actually had a good day after all the kids began playing together.

Well, until this Sunday at church and next Friday for playgroup..

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Do You Love Your Digital Camera?

Sometime in 2001, my hubby and I purchased a Sony Cybershot DSC-S50 Digital Camera. The Sony DSC-S50 is a 6x digital zoom and only has 2.1 mega pixels. This camera was being discontinued at a computer store in my city. The price was just right for us since this was our first digital camera and we still had to learn how to use it.

Fast forward to September 2007, we still have this camera and this camera is still awesome. With this camera, I have been able to take photos of my family, my cats and nature. This was all before I gave birth to our twin girls who were born in November 2005. Ever since that day, I have snapped shots of my twins non-stop. They were born preemies and ever since their stay in the NICU, to their first birthday and now going on their second birthday, all I have done is take lovely, memorable photographs of our sweet baby girls.

Within the first year of our twins birth, I took over 4 MB of photos that were stored on our computer, that is until we had a friend come and move them to a CD. That is a lot of photographs.

Another great thing about this Sony digital camera is that it takes mini movies. I call them mini movies because they are only 15 seconds in length. But they are movies nonetheless.

This digital camera allows the photographer to take self timer photos, take photos in sepia, black and white, solarize or neg. art. I really like the sepia and solarize effects a lot. I use them every once in a while. The photographer can also save photos in a series (200, 300, 400, etc.) or normal mode.

All in all, I love this camera, but, it is time for me to move on to a Sony digital camera that has more mega pixels and a higher digital zoom. Therefore, for my birthday this month, I have asked my family contribute some money to my new Sony CyberShot DSC H7/B or Sony Alpha A 100 (w/18-70mm Lens).

Right now, the DSC H7/B is looking real nice because I really need a camera that allows me to take burst shot photos. If you do not know what a burst shot is, this allows the user to take 3-7 continuous photos. This mode is great for taking photographs of babies like mine, who are always moving, or sporting events. This camera also allows the photographer to take self-timer photos and mini movies. The best thing about this camera is the digital zoom, 15x optical/2x digital zoom and 8.1 mega pixel. Compared to my current 2.1 mega pixels, that is a lot of power.

The best thing about my digital camera is I can instantly print my photos for scrapbooking. I am almost done with my girls first year scrapbook. Yes, I know, I should be done with the first year by know, but, I have twins and deciding which photos to add is not always easy. Without my digital camera, I would never have started scarpbooking.

Oh, and if I could give a tip or two on taking great digital photos of the people you love and places you've been, it would be to make sure you have the right lighting, the flash is on and always make sure the battery is fully charged and disk is empty to take as many photos as possible.

Yes, I would not know what to do without my digital camera. It is hard to image I never had one. I love my digital camera and can't wait to purchase my new one this month.

"Sponsored Post"

Twins in Wheelbarrow

This evening, Daddy took our girls to see Grammie and Poppa while he went grocery shopping and I stayed home and made delicious salsa. I also cleaned the house up a bit because tomorrow I am hosting a play date!

So, while at Grammie and Poppa's, our sweeties fed the fishes and went for a wheelbarrow ride,which they loved!! Oh, they giggled and laughed and did not want the fun to stop, per Daddy.

Maybe we can do that for Halloween, except we can add some hay and make it a hayride!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Little Rest for My Twins

Around 4:26, I decided to put my twins down for a "nap" or rest because they were arguing over the same Dollie. So, like I always do, I raised my hand and said, "Who wants to take a nap?" Twin "A" raised her hand and Twin "B" followed.

So, off to bed we went.

No more than 2 minutes ago, 4:46, I heard a THUMP! from their bedroom. So, I went in to investigate when whom did I see outside their crib?

TWIN "B"!!!

She had gotten out somehow. She looked confused more than scared. She did not look hurt as I picked her up to comfort her and make her feel better. She had no tears either.

So, I put her back in her crib and gave her the Dollie back I think she was trying to get for her "Ssss".

Looks like Daddy and Mommy will have to go to "TWIN BEDS" sooner than we thought!

Sometimes My Twins Share

Sometimes, my twins like to share
Sometimes, my twins take more than they give
Sometimes, fighting ensues and Mommy has to get involved

My Twins are adorable, indeed
My Twins, I believe, do love each other
My Twins, talk back and forth to each other all day

Sometimes, if Twin "B" is coughing, Twin "A" will pat her on the back
Sometimes, Twin "B" will take Twin "A's" binkie and blankie to her
Sometimes, Twin "A" will take Twin "B's" binkie and blankie to her

My Twins are precious, as precious as can be
My Twins, light up my world each and everyday
My Twins, were given to my hubby and me, from our Savior above

Monday, September 17, 2007

Home Improvements begin with Anglian Home

If you live in the UK, I am sure you have already heard about Anglian Home for all your home improvement projects. Just in case Anglian Home is new to you, let me tell you about the wonderful products and services they can offer you.

In 1966, in the town of Ipswich, Anglian Home opened their first high street showroom doors to clients all over the UK. They offer high quality and have a service based approach to help millions of UK clientele create their ideal home.

Are you looking to replace windows? Anglian Home has Casement Windows, Tilt & Turn Windows and Sash Windows. Anglian Home have constantly improved the design and technology of the windows they sell and install.

If you have been thinking of adding or updating your conservatories, you will find seven different styles to meet your needs. The styles include: The Victorian, The Regency, The Edwardian, The Elizabethan, The Garden Room, The Crusader and The Combination Conservatories.

Remember,when you add or update your conservatories through Anglian Home, you will get a 10 year guarantee on the base works and 15 year guarantee on gas filled sealed units. Anglian Home white PVCu conservatories will have a life expectancy of at least 25 years.

Maybe you are looking to update your kitchen. The kitchen is where all your family and friends seem to congregate, right? So, why not make your kitchen more efficient. Kitchen cabinets are one of the first things that are redone in a kitchen. Resurfacing is as easy as looking at the large selection from Anglian Home. There are over twenty designs and shades to choose from to make your cabinets and kitchen stand out and get that question, "Who did your cabinets".

I could go on as to all the products and services Anglian Home offers, but I would rather you check their website for yourself. You can also reach Anglian Home at their toll free number: 0800-500-600, request a brochure online or request a callback.

Check out Anglian Home and begin your home improvements today!

Home Improvements


My Twins and Our Awning Posts

My hubby and I added an awing to our backyard the year we moved in to our new home. This is our second home.

With this new awning,which makes our backyard look so much better and gives us shade, are three support posts. Of the three posts, our twins love to run around two of them.

It is so cute!! Twin "B" began making this cute high pitched noise as she runs around it. Twin "A", her "Ssss" also runs around one of the two posts. I say two of the three posts because one of the three posts has the drainage spout going down the front of it. And, our twins are not able to run around this one.

Anyway, I watch my girls run around these posts, making these cute noise, with glee in their voices and faces.

They also switch posts and run around them.

It is just too cute...I will take photos of them running around the posts and post them to this blog post.

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

LifeInsure.com: Your One Stop Shop for any Insurance Quote

From viewing this website, I have to say I am impressed. Not only is the website user-friendly, but it is pleasant to the eyes. Everything you need to know about life insurance is on the homepage by looking at the links to the product you are looking for.

This website is awesome because you are able to look at educational videos, for free. These videos include: Term Life Insurance, Return of Premium Insurance, Universal Life Insurance and so much more.

Not only can you view these videos for free, you can also get free quotes for any of the above types of life insurance.

If you are a resident of any of the 50 states, you are eligible to get an instant quote. It is so easy too. Life insurance is the only way to know your family is financially taken care for any reason.

These days, life insurance is a necessity, so why not choose LifeInsure.com to help you find the right life insurance quotes for your families needs.

The best thing about LifeInsure.com is they do not ask for your email address or other personal indentifying information for you to get the quote you want.

When One Twin Gets Time-Out

When your twins, when they were babies and toddlers, were put in time out, did the one twin who was not in trouble try and resue the one twin in their crib or time out area?

Well, my twins do this all the time!!

One twin will look at me, Mommy, and point to where the naughty twin is and say, "Sss". Then, I say, "Yes, Sister is in time out for not listening to Mommy."

Then I tell the one twin who is pointing to the bedroom, "Don't go rescue her, she is in trouble."

But does this twin listen to Mommy?

(take a guess)

My husband said this is good because you know even when they fight and bite each other, they love each other too and will have each others back.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

CouponChief: The One Stop Website For Discounts And Coupons For Your Holiday Season

If you go into your favorite stores this time of year, you will see decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Are you looking for Halloween costumes for your dog or cat this year, then you need to go to Coupon Chief, look under your favorite pet store like PetSmart for Coupons.

What about cool electronic gifts for Christmas. There is no better place to look for electronics than BestBuy coupons, Radio Shack for couponsor Circuit City for coupons and deals.

Since I got you thinking about the up coming holidays, why not make a list of the things your family and friends like right now. Then, when you are ready to purchase gifts, you know where to go to get your coupons for the gifts your family, friends and even you will love!

Coupon Chief.com is a private company, also known as Coupon Chief, Inc., and they strive to provide a one stop coupon deal and discount resource for their website visitors.

Their only focus is on customer support and providing up to date coupon codes, promotional deals and discounts which are unparalleled in the online shopping e-commerce industry.

online shopping

Twins in their HighChairs

Recently, my twins began not only getting in their highchairs themselves, but now, they are snapping the harness around themselves.

I am so proud. They are actually learning from seeing Mommy and Daddy snap them in everyday.

I love it when my girls want to do things for themselves. Not only are they becoming more independent, but they love doing things for themselves.

Praise the Lord!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Love TV Shows, Movies, DVD's and News? Talk about them at CriticsRant.com

When you go to CriticsRant.com, you will see Movie Rants, DVD Rants, TV Rants and News Rants links to talk about all the movies, television shows, DVD's and News you like or dislike.

Once you register at CriticsRant.com, you are good to go. Plus, once you register, you can win a DVD that is being promoted on the homepage.

The Movie Reviews range from 3:10 to Yuma to No Reservations; The TV Shows range from AMC's new hit drama, Madmen to TNT's crime drama The Closer.

After reading many of the movie, TV and News rants, I have to say I am impressed with the way these people write. They are thorough and know what they are talking about.

If you have any question about which movie, television show or DVD to watch or purchase, register here at CriticRant, and let your voice be heard and get some good advise as well.

Do your Twins still get up for an evening Diaper Change?

Well, mine do. Even at 22 months. If yours do not, what are you doing to make this so.

Do you stop giving them liquid after a certain time period?

You see, I do that. No more liquids after 8PM.

But, that does not mean the liquids they had before 8PM are not going to finally make its way into their diapers, right?

So, it seems to be babies waking up for a diaper change is unpredictable. For, you never know when they will want to "make water".

The first time I heard this saying was from Driving Miss Daisy. I loved it! It obviously is an old fashioned and polite way of saying someone has to go the bathroom. Too bad we do not talk like this today.

My Twins Babysitter

Today, my babysitter came over and watched my sweeties for two hours.

I love it when she comes over. I do not love it when she calls in sick.

When she comes over, my sweeties still cry for a bit in the beginning, them settle down and she feeds them their lunch and I take off.

Since Halloween is around the corner, I went to Party America and purchased two Princess costumes for them. They are so cute. They are pink with a sequenced tiara and they were only $9.99. You can not go wrong with a price like that. I noticed though, that the older and taller a child gets, the prices seem to increase. Oh joy!

Anyway, I am not a fan of Halloween like I used to be when I was a teenager. I used to go to Knott's Scary Farm every year and get scared to death.

The older I get, I do not find it so amusing. But, I want to dress up my twins. They are so cute and to not dress them up would be no fun for them. Last year, they were little Angels.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Change in Season

How do you feel when there is a change in season? Like summer ending and fall approaching?

Do you feel weird and wish the seasons would not change so fast? Do you wish summer were around for one more month? What do you like better, warmer or cooler/colder months? Personally, I like/love warmer months, well to a degree, 78-89 degree's that is. I have a very small area of comfort when it comes to changes in weather/seasons.

Well today, because the weather had changed so quickly, I decided to not go to my bible study. We are studying Hebrews right now. In fact, each of us are doing a presentation on a particular chapter. My chapter is not due until October. Hopefully by then, my comfort level to our changes in season will be over with.

So, I am sad I missed today, but with all the wind kicking up, it made me want to stay indoors.
This is totally a pathetic excuse to stay home, but I used it nonetheless.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Twins Feeding Themselves

When did you, Mom, Dad or Mom and Dad, begin showing your twins how they can feed themselves? Well, I only began showing my twins yesterday. That's right, only yesterday and I am finding out it is messy, messy, messy. But, it is not only messy, but time consuming. My twins just do not like it. They still like Mommy or Daddy feeding them.

At what age did you begin showing your twins how to feed themselves?

My twins will be two years old in November. Do you think I have started to late?

Personally, I do not. Only because I know my twins. I know their personalities, their likes and dislikes. This feeding themselves their own breakfast, lunch or dinner is not up their alley.

They love self-feeding themselves snacks and such, but the major meals of the day is a lot harder than I thought. Especially since they are so picky and going on two are still not eating table food.

Goodness, gracious...

What is a Mommy to do!!

Tobi.com is your Next Generation Online Boutique

What do you say about an online boutique that has it all except, wow!

Tobi.com has it all. Let's start with clothing for women and men from styles such as Diesel Jeans for women and men, Dorothy Lee jackets for women and Theory jackets for men.

Do you like Velvet Clothes? When I mean Velvet, I mean the brand name, not the material, silly.

The Velvet brand carried is awesome. Let's see, the Velvet Clothing Tobi.com carries are dresses, jackets, tees and tops. Tobi.com has Velvet Apparel like casual dresses or jackets and tops that are either dressy, casual, knits or sweater. So, all Velvet clothing is covered at Tobi.com and they come in more than one color.

If you really want a one stop shop, Tobi.com is the place for you. As I look through this website, I am amazed at all the products, from A to Z, they carry. If you want a clothing accessory, beauty products, handbags, music, shoes, shorts, tees or tops, Tobi.com has it.

Tobi.com music is awesome because it is specific to the four seasons along with various artists, lounge and jazz music.

If you are looking for the latest fashions, a personal high value shopping experience, along with an online stylist to assist you, Tobi.com is your first and only online shopping destination.

Check out Tobi.com, like me, you will not be disappointed.

Last Fall and Winter Nightwear for my TwiceBabies

Tonight, my hubby gave the girls a bath and we realized that last years long sleeve and long pants nightwear still fit them Don't you just love it when an outfit worn last year still fits!
I mean, they can at least wear them for another month or two.

Just when you thought they would outgrow all of last year's outfits, you were made a liar. And glad of it too.

Hey, when you have twins or even babies close in age, it is always a blessing to know they can wear something from last year, this year.

Breezy Day with My TwiceBabies

We woke up this morning, at it was breezy, not chilly, just breezy. But when I took them to Tar'get to get some sympathy cards, which I decided not to purchase because they would have cost me $9.00 for three, I said no way, and left, it was getting breezier by the minute and somewhat chilly for Mid-September.

So, after our trip to Tar'get, we instead went to the Dollar Tree to get four sympathy cards for...you guessed it, $.50 cents a piece. Mind you, they are not touchy feely cards, but hey, do you really want to spend $9.00 on three cards when you can use that money elsewhere, like a Starbucks Iced Carmel Macciato(sp?)?

After that trip, I drove up to the Goodwill and dropped off some tennis shoes and a baby bottle, all in good condition, just did not need them anymore. Oh, and now, The Goodwill has a drive up door, if you will, to give your items away. How cool is that!

All in all, we had a good day and I just love the wind because it calms my twins down and they tend to take longer naps. Which they did today, until 2:40.

Lose Weight the MyFitnessPal Way

If you have been looking for a free diet and fitness plan online, MyFitnessPal, is what you need. With free membership, you get to use their food database and see how many calories are in foods from A to Z. Take for instance Planters Almonds which have 170 calories and no sodium or how about a small Jack in the Box seasoned fries which have 270 calories and 590mg of sodium.

Calorie Counter

To get this information anywhere else, you are sure to pay for it, right?

How about if you want to exercise. Say you are playing sports and this is your exercise, you can see how many calories you will burn by putting in your weight and how many minutes you worked out into their database online. Let's say you in-line roller bladed for 30 minutes and you weight 122; your total calories burned would be 332. That is amazing!

This is an awesome website which you have to join if you really want to shed those calories.

Diet Journal

Along with the above awesome features, for free, you also gets the BMI(Body Mass Index)Calculator and BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate)Calculator, again for free.

MyFitnessPal also has a daily blog you can read and you can join their community forum so you have MyFitnessPal friends to talk to and encourage you along your way to less calories and more energy.

Calorie Chart

Monday, September 10, 2007

Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery-Breast Reduction

After reading about the Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery Breast Reduction procedure, I have to say I am quite impressed. This is a top notch facility that respects their clients needs and privacy.

Instead of a cookie-cutter approach to breast reduction, the surgeon tailors breast reduction to each clients needs. In fact, they use their famous Rodeo Drive Shaped for Fashion Breast Reduction on their clients.

It is good for this very prestigious plastic surgery firm to tell their clients if they are "candidates" for a particular procedure, instead of doing it without the potential clients body, mind and spirit in mind. For instance, if a client has a large bosom which is not in proportion of her body, one breast is not of equal size to the other or if a clients bra straps are cutting into her shoulders. These are all, in my eyes, excellence in customer service and the way a medical procedure such as breast reduction, should be handled.

When thinking of having your breasts reduced, the way to do it, per Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery, is to wait at least until your breasts have completing developed. This wonderful advice from and I hope other plastic surgeons use this same waiting period for breast reduction.

Another thing talked about when contemplating breast reduction is if you are thinking of having children and breast feeding. This is something many women may not take into consideration. For all women know, who want to have breast reduction, is that their breasts could stay increased after breast feeding.

Mommy Makeover

I like that the plastic surgeon whom the client speaks with wants what is best for their client, including the preferred breast reduction size and shape. Like I stated before, a cookie cutter approach will just not due in this situation. The surgeon also tells the client there will be three incisions for this procedure: one around the areola, another vertically from the edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast and an incision that follows the natural curve of the breast.

Beverly Hills Liposculpture

Professionalism, knowledge and experience, in this very delicate business, is very important to me. This type of work should not be taken lightly nor treated like any other run of the mill job. I appreciate the upfront and seriousness from the staff and surgeons at Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery.

California Plastic Surgeon

Evening with My Twins

When it is time for bedtime, my twins, initially, still cry. They just hate going to sleep. If they could, they would be up ALL DAY LONG!

So, when it is time to bedtime, Daddy has begun doing these voices with Twin "B's" Winnie the Pooh and Twin "A's" Tiger, not Tigger, but her Tiger my cousin gave my girls. It is so cute and they love it.

Also, I have begun reading their Going to Bed Book to them again before bedtime. They love it because Mommy, who is not normally silly, is. I use different voices and exaggerate what each page tells or shows.

Oh, my twins are sweeties. They love life and love Daddy and Mommy.

Have a good night everyone!!

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If you are, and I am sure you are, look no further than Pingo. That's right, Pingo gives you clear and reliable calls; Pingo's proven network will guarantee it. Are you making called from America to your have family in India? Well, check these prices out: 7.3 cents per minute. Unbelievable!

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Did you know Pingo also has a family plan? That's right, Pingo has a Pro Business & Family Plan which allows you to go global with no equipment to purchase. All you get is easy billing and management with amazing bundled saving.

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Since Pingo uses the iBasis state-of-the-art technology from industry leaders like Cisco Systems and the worldwide Internet, you will have high quality global long distance phone service which delivers over 1.1 billion International phone card minutes a month. Pingo is also the ultimate worldwide virtual calling card provider.

With a company and leading service provider such as Pingo, you can not go wrong, especially when you can get cheap international calls.

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Tracy Dry Bean Festival with Twins

After our sweeties woke up from their nap, Daddy and Mommy put their shoes on, got their diaper bag, headed out to our car and drove downtown to the 21st Annual Tracy Dry Bean Festival.

We got there a little after 4:00. We should have left at 5:30 or 6:00 because it was still hot.
Not as hot as it would have been if it were still being held in August, but it was still hot nonetheless.
We only stayed there for 20 minutes because there really was nothing our girls could do at this age. I mean there were lots of slides and rides for kids 3 an up it looked like, but not for our almost 2 year old babies. I could tell by looking at the rides, our girls would get scared.
So, next year, when they are 2.9 months old, we will go again at a later time when the sun begins to dip over our mountain range and see if they would not only want to get on a ride, but get their faces painted.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Playdate with Twins and Friends

Every Friday, and Wednesday's too, my sweeties and I try to make it to our play date.

This morning, after I changed my twins out of their sleepwear, I sat on our BIG chair until 10:00AM, then, said to myself, "Self, get off you duff and let's go to playgroup."

So, we did, I got the truck started, put my purse and diaper bag in the truck, then loaded my sweetie pie twins in the truck.

We arrived at my friends home around 10:25.

Entering my friends home, Twin "B" began to cry. Oh goodness, she is so sensitive. Her sister, Twin "A", just looks at her as if, "Why are you crying? We know these people, silly."

For the first 15 minutes, Twin "B" sat on my lap while her sister sat on my right side. Then, finally, both my girls relaxed and broke away from me.

We really need to do this every week. I mean, they are so attached to me it is not funny. In the beginning, it was cute, even sweet. It made me feel loved. But now, at 22 months, I want them to be a little independent and spread their little wings.

They are not fans of having Mommy out of sight.

Around 12:20, I started my truck, put the diaper bag in the truck and then, loaded my sweeties.

While leaving, I noticed a friend and ex-co worker on mine in the bend or corner house. So, I stopped in front of her home and said, "Xxxxxxx, I had no idea you lived here?" She said, "Yeah, I have lived here for, ever." She also knows my other friend from church who lives across from my playdate friend, Xxxxx. Well, I invited her to our next play date next week since she can walk over to her home. I also gave her my home number to call me.

So, that is where she lives! Yeah, one more playmate for my girls.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Twins and Daddy Today

When Daddy came home, our sweeties were playing at the window bench and running all over our great room. I told them, "Daddy's home. Go see Daddy."

At this time, I was laying on our big chair, almost asleep. I fact, when Daddy came into our great room I said, "I'm tired and need to sleep." So, I began falling asleep while Daddy played with our sweeties.

As I was falling asleep, I could hear the Republican Debate on Fox News. I really liked the things Huckabee and Paul were talking about. But the other candidates, they exhumed arrogance and really puffed themselves up. Arrogance, I am not a fan of, nor will arrogance get my vote; among other issues they talked about.

Daddy had washed our sweeties and I could hear him say, "Run to Mommy." As soon as our sweeties get out of the bathtub, we always dry them off and they run around in their birthday suits. Oh goodness, they LOVE doing that. Even if they fall down, flat on their backs or faces. They never learn. They are all about excitement and being free!!

For their nightwear, Daddy put them in this Huntington Beach white T I purchased for them on our August trip to see my family.

Daddy just loves his little sweeties and they adore Daddy.

This is the way it should to.

Have a blessed evening everyone!!

When Twins Will Not Sleep

For some reason, today, my twins would not sleep at nap time.

I do not get it. My hubby came home for lunch and I went out for a while. I went to Carter's at my outlet mall and purchased these two sleeveless pink birthday dresses for them. The dresses have tulling and cotton material. They are so cute.

Anyway, before I left, my twins were talking, still. It was around 12:50 when I left and 11:15 when I put them down. Well, when I came home around 1:20 they were still talking!!

I walked in their room and said, "Sleep!! You need to sleep..."

So, I kept them in their cribs until they fell asleep. Finally, around 2:40 they fell asleep; if only for an hour.

Yes, they slept for an hour and woke up around 3:20. When they woke up, I fed them a late lunch, which meant they had a late dinner.

My goodness.....

What will I do, what will I do..

My Twins are 22 Months Today

Twenty-Two months!

That is amazing. It is hard to believe my once preemies, are going to be two in two months.

As of today, they are not ready for potty training, but they are doing their best to speak in small sentences.

If you have been reading my blog on a regular basis, you know Twin "B" likes to say "Probably", "What's up with tha" and now she is say, "Elbo". Actually, Twins "A&B" both say, "Elbo".

Right now, they are napping. Well,not really, they are in their cribs, but talking to each other.

Today, since the weather is a bit breezy, I put them in these cute pant suits my Mom got them from Osh Kosh B'Gosh. In fact, that is where I am going to go right now to see if their sale is still on.

With my twins, going to sales is always a plus and must.

Especially when Pay less has their BOGO for shoes.

Have a blessed day everyone!!

I will try and write more tonight...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Are you looking for ways to earn some money with your blog?

Since I began creating my own blog, I have been looking for ways to earn some extra money. I am a stay at home Mom of twins. I love being a stay at home Mom too. But, it is also nice to put my computer and writing skills to work for me.

I began blogging in March and ever since then, I joined many blog communities which showed me ways to earn so extra money at home, with my blog.

Recently, I asked my fellow bloggers where I could go to write ads or reviews on my blog and get paid. One of the companies I was directed to was Smorty. Smorty teams up with advertisers and bloggers. You see, advertisters hire bloggers to review their website for a minimal fee. So, there is no more writing ads with Smorty. Now, the blogger get to look at a website, read about what that company does, and write a review. If I had more than one blog, I could also earn more. But,at this time, all I have is this blog. But believe me, I have been thinking about creating another blog soon.

With a company like Smorty, why go anywhere else to write opinion peices?

Happy writing!
get paid for blogging

Monday, September 3, 2007

Have you given ShoppingCart Software a Test Drive Yet?

There is so much software can do for any online business. The thing that caught my eye was that it supports small or medium sized businesses in getting ready for eCommerce and helps them to turn Internet presence into profit.

The wesbite is appealing to look at. With orange, green and white colors. Every link to click on gets you to that page easily and with no wait time.

Ashop eCommerce Shopping Cart Software is used in the United States of America, U.K . and Australia. So there are no restrictions for where your business resides.

With Ashop Commerce, selling has never been so easy! Once your company takes a test drive and, sign up for the 10 day free trial to create your own online store. Ashop Commerce is strictly web based, which means there is no installation, accepts credit cards online, thousands of features, easy to use, fully customisable design and you can start selling online right now.

It amazes me how much this shopping cart software gives it's clients. The set up is web based and there is a complete operational storefront. But not only this, you get inventory control, category reports, quantity discounts, bulk ordering processing and my goodness, so much more.

As I continued to look at this webiste, I found that the client also gets product feeds such as Froggle, BizRate, NetTag, Yahoo! and Shopzilla. These are all well known companies that will work for you.

For checkout, it seems everyone uses Google Checkout these days and this is exactly what Shopping Cart Software has for you, the client, to use.

There is so much here for your small or medium business, you will just have to check it out yourself.

shopping cart

Happy Labor Day with TwiceBabies

This Labor Day, all the family came to our home. It is nice having events at our home every now and then; especially with the gils being able to run around in a familiar setting and just have loads of fun!

We had hot dogs, tri-tip, brats, salad, corn, hors d’œuvres , vanilla and chocolate ice cream my hubby made, and birthday cake for Uncle Mel's 60th Birthday.

Today started out in the 90's and by 5ish got down to low 70's, mid 80's, with gusts of wind. So, we were able to shut of our A/C. That was nice anyway since our screen door was open constantly anyway.

Goodness, Twins "A&E" had a blast. They were running all over the house, outside, playing with their volleyball and soccor balls with their Auntie and Cousin. Oh my, our little sweeties are hams all the way.
The thing is, when people they have not seen for a while come over, they tend to shy away and cling to Mommy or Daddy. That is what they did today. And, I am glad they do this too. It shows me I am still, along with their blankie, their security.

Then, after I would say 20-30 mintues, my girls just had fun.

It was a good day and when 8:15 came around, they were more than ready to go down for the evening.
Hope you all had a blessed and SaFe Labor Day!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Twin "A" shushes Mommy

Recently, Twin "A" has begun putting her finger or hand in front of my mouth. I am thinking this is either to shush me or show me where my mouth is.

Along with shushing me, she likes to point to all my body parts, like her sister, Twin "B".

Twin ""B" has not learned to shush me, yet.

I kinda think this is funny.

My friend's one year old son, who was at my home today, also shushes her by putting his finger over his mouth while looking at his intended target to shush.

When she told me what her son does, I told her, "I think it is just this generation, Xxxxx." She said, "I think so too because Xxxx never did this, but Xxxxxx did."

It is, in my opinion, funny. I take it babies do have an opinion to share and make known.

Have a blessed day and/or evening everyone!!

Playdate in my Backyard

Yesterday, I had asked my girlfriend to come over with her children. But, she did not listen to her messages until this morning. So, as sweet as she is, she called me and told me why she was not able to make it yesterday.

So, she suggested her children and her come over today, Saturday. I said, sure, please come over, the twins are sleeping right now, but will be in their little baby pool once they wake up.

Around 1:50, she called, was coming over, with two of her three children and Starbucks!

From 2:20 to 4:00 something, the kids played in the baby pool, sprinkler and to wind down, we all came inside and played with the twins toys.

It was really a nice day! I had fun. I love getting together with my sweet friend and her children are just wonderful.

Hopefully we will see each other at church tomorrow.

**Let's get together more often!**
***We used to have coffee often before my twins and her third was born. But know, we have a play date, with or without coffee, and it is fun!!***