
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Photos of Twins "A" and "E" in Mommy's Wedding Gown

Last year when "A" and "E" turned one, I began taking photos of them in my wedding gown.

You see, I am a sort of sales rep with Once Upon a Family and they have these cutiest, Birthday Book, for your children. With this one scrapbook, each year you can take a photo of your baby as they grow older into your wedding gown or Daddy's letterman jacket.

Every 4 to 6 months, I also take measurements of their height and have each of my twins stand against my wall where I have each of their growth chart's nailed to.
Here are some photos of them from yesterday.
Oh, and I also place things they loved so much from two years in a row in their Time Capsule.
Twin "B" loved my gown and did not want to get out of if, while Twin "A" wanted to get out of it is a hurry!!

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