
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

TwiceToddlers Mom is eHow of the Day

Oh this is so exciting. My article on how to make a smoothie, was the eHow of the Day. That is great news as I have been writing for eHow for a while now. Here is my article below. Please read and rate it too.

How to Make a Smoothie

Saturday, May 23, 2009

TwiceToddlers say, "Yes Am Are"

Whenever I ask one, or both, my twins a question, they now say, "Yes Am Are". They are still, of course learning to speak English, so knowing the right word to use in a sentence is something they are still learning.

Every time Twin "A" or Twin "B" respond to my question saying, "Yes Am Are", I have to laugh out loud. It is just too funny to hear them speak in an improper way.

I am not willing to correct them yet. They will eventually learn the right way to talk (LOL). I mean, they are only 3.6 years old. And, their faces and voices are just so precious when they say "Yes Am Are".

Praise God for my Precious "Yes Am Are" Twins...

TwiceToddlers Out With Daddy and Mommy; Individually

Ever since my twins were a year old, we began to take our twins out individually. It concerned me that Twin "B" thought she might not be getting individual attention she needed. So, Daddy and Mommy decided to take each twin out individually.

Now, at 3.6 years old, they still love going out individually with Daddy and Mommy. Today, we did just that, Daddy took Twin "A" to check out at some homes in a nearby home and then went to Kohl's. While at Kohl's, Twin "A" saw a dress she liked with cherries all over it.

Meanwhile, Twin "B" and Mommy stayed in our city where Mommy took Twin "B" to PetSmart to look at the kitties for adoption. We stayed there for probably 20 minutes, then went next door to Party City to get Twin "B" and Twin "A" a blue metallic balloon (which is already down on the ground) BOO!!!. From the Party City store, Mommy and Twin "B" went downtown to Barista's Coffee where Mommy got a Blended Chocolate Coffee (decaf), a banana and a delicious cheese cake muffin. Oh so yummy!

From the coffee shop, we walked down to the Farmer's Market where Mommy purchased some cherries, two apricots and three big and fresh cookies.

Then Daddy called and said what he was doing with Twin "A" and that Daddy got some lunch for our twins. That is when Twin "B" and Mommy made our way back to the car and drove home for some lunch.

It was a very busy day indeed. Our twins loved it though. They love spending individual time alone with either Mommy or Daddy.

God Bless Mommy's and Daddy's~~!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

TwiceToddlers and Coffee Dates with Mom

My twins just love coffee. Well, they love chocky milk shakes more than anything. So, when Mommy goes to get a blended coffee downtown, they want as many sips as possible. This week, I have taken my twins downtown with me three times. In these three times, I have purchase three, caffeine free blended coffees for us to drink. Along with this blended coffee, I get them a banana to eat and a pear for Mommy.

Then, we sit in the coffee house and we have a nice time together. Nana and Papa got them an Apple shaped learning toy for Christmas last year. I have them bring that in with them so they can stay a bit occupied in the coffee shop.

Silly TwiceToddlers...

Friday, May 15, 2009

TwiceToddlers and a Busy Weekend Ahead

We are going to be busy this weekend. My twins will be going to two, that is two, birthday parties this weekend. Wow, you gotta love busy weekends. This means my twins will, more likely than not, take a nap and at the end of the day, just lie down on their beds and not wake up until the next day.

That is good though, I guess. This is supposed to be a HOT weekend too. In the 90's!! Wow, it's a good thing one of the parties is outdoors and playing in a pool...The heat should also make my twins fall asleep faster too. Heat always tends to make anyone sleepy.

Well, have a blessed weekend and stay cool.....

God Bless...

TwiceToddlers and Ms. Spider's Sunnypatch

For Christmas last year, my Aunt Janice, my twins Great Aunt Janice, gave them the Ms. Spider's Sunny patch book series. Well, I read them half of one of the books and have not read anymore since. I think the books, at this time, might be to wordy for them.

Then, one day as I was channel surfing, I came to the cartoon channel Noggin and what do you know, there is a cartoon series on Ms. Spider's Sunny patch book series. I found this channel, and cartoon, two weeks ago and my twins, and Mommy, just love it.

Mommy loves the cartoon series because it teaches manners, how telling the truth is important and just being kind to one another is a good thing. I also like how each insect takes of human characteristics, so to speak. Also, they bugs and spiders use "buggy" or "bugs" in place of baby or a person's name. It is just adorable. Each spider, butterfly, worm, ant or any other insect takes after human characteristics that is. The insects themselves are not equal to humans by any means.

This is a great book and cartoon series and something I can watch with my twins without having to turn the channel for fear of retraining their minds; unlike some other popular cartoon channels I know.

Praise God and Thanks Great Auntie Janice..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

TwiceToddlers are Napping

Yeah, I got my twins to nap without any discipline. They were actually sleepy and listened to Mommy for once. Yes, it is very rare for my twins to do what Mommy, so kindly, asks them to do. I have two very, very strong willed girls on my hands.

But it is always nice when Mommy can relax and well, just relax...

Go Mommy, Go Mommy, Go Mommy, Go, Go...

TwiceToddlers and a New Lunch

Today for lunch, Mommy ate her delicious chicken salad with dried cranberries and blueberries with a delicious raspberry dressing and tomatoes. Along with Mommy eating such a yummy lunch, I also warm up some chicken (from Costco-frozen) in the oven for about 8 minutes.

For my twins, I gave them about 4-5 small pieces of chicken, two baby carrots and tiny slices of apple. As per usually, my twins turn up their noses to anything new. Well, Mommy would have none of that and I told them, "This is chicken, it is real chicken, unlike those Mickey Mouse nuggets you like to eat. And, you love baby carrots and apples. You will eat all of this food. It is good for you and will help you grow strong and you will have good vision too."

Well, I certainly got two of myself when it comes to eating. Well, Twin "B" actually ate everything, I had to coax her a little, but Twin "A", oh goodness, she had to be constantly told this is what you are eating for lunch and you will like it."

My twins are not fans of real, healthy foods. Although, Mommy does all she can to get them on the right path.

God Help Me with Finding Better Foods for my Twins..

TwiceToddlers say, "I'm are doing..."

Whenever I ask my twins something, it does not matter what it is, they always reply back saying, "I'm are eating or I'm are chewing or I'm are cleaning up.." It just makes me laugh out loud to hear them speak this way.

They are doing their best to learn the right way to speak and at times, I let them just speak the wrong way because it sounds so funny and cute at the same time.

Honestly, I have no idea where they even learned to speak the wrong way. Well, it could have been from their friends in daycare I suppose.

Anyway, just wanted to share this little bit of funny with my readers...

Have a blessed day...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Don't You Just Love Receiving a Gift?

Well, with summer approaching, receiving or giving a towel wrap gift is fun and also useful. Towel wraps are fun to use and are easy to step into and out of in no time. They also come on various attractive colors and designs. These type of towels never go out of style and will wow the person who receives one.

Another fun gift item is stickers. Kids just love stickers so why not give them Die-Cut Stickers. With Die-Cut Stickers, they can see their name written on them in up to 62 picture designs. There is always a reason for stickers. Stickers are shared, put on cards, placed on mirrors and anywhere a sticker, well, can stick.

Oh, and another fun gift to give and receive are wrap koozies. A personalized or monogramed Koozie can be added to almost anything. Take for instance a coffee tumbler, a Koozie can be wrapped around a hot cup of coffee and so much more. They are fun, will be a great gift for teachers, parents, friends and they will be something to talk about. Your friends will wonder where you got the Koozie and you can tell them.

All these make fun and exciting gifts for the family and friends in your life. It is always fun to gift or receive gifts.

Friday, May 8, 2009

TwiceToddlers Make Mother's Day Gifts

On Monday, my twins made me a pretty Mother's Day Card with a butterfly on the front with glued pieces of pink, yellow and green paper mache over the butterfly. I have them in the glass doors of my hutch so I can look at those everyday.

Today, at my other daycare provider, my twins painted Happy Mother's Day (well not really) on a terra cota pot with other various colors. Then, they placed a flower in each pot.

Oh, how sweet....I love gifts like these. They are always keepers.

Happy Mother's Day all you Mother's out there..

Thursday, May 7, 2009

TwiceToddlers Water Their Seeds

When we arrived back home from our walk, I asked if the girls wanted to water their seeds. They said, "Yes". So, we went to the backyard where I added more water to their water table and had then dip their watering canbuckets into the water table.

Then, we walked, three times, to the front of our home and they watered the seeds along the fence line. I certainly home these seeds grow. More for my twins and not me. I want to see their faces when they see what they were able to grow.

Once the watering was done, Mommy closed the gate to the back of our home, and we played with bubbles for a while and they put their talking animals on their big wheels and rode around the driveway with them. These are the two talking animals Nana got them for Christmas last year.

TwiceToddlers and Our After Nap Walk

After my twins woke up from their nap this afternoon, I gave them some Disney Animal cookies, gave them their new toy I purchased with a gift card I received from an online survey, had the girls put on their shoes and we went for a walk.

The walk was just around our neighborhood, not too long. The girls wanted to see one of their friends, well their Grammie and Papa's friend, but we knocked on the door and she was not there. So, we walked back across the street and found one of our other friends standing outside with her kids. These neighbors live within walking distance of me and we rarely see each other. So today, when we saw each other it was very nice. We chit chatted a while and we exchanged phone numbers. I will call her tomorrow after my twins wake up from their nap and invite them to come on over to play in our backyard.

My neighbor (I won't use her name) is pregnant with her third child. This walk will probably be refreshing for her and her children can play in a big backyard with a swingset, water table and sand box.

TwiceToddlers and Mommy at McD's

For lunch, my twins wanted Chicken Nuggets and they wanted to play outside. So, I said I would take them to McD's. One of our McD's has an outside play area. Since my twins were semi-good at Costco, they were rewarded with Chicken Nuggets(not real chicken I am sure) and time to play outside.

Once in McD's, they were a bit rowdy and jumping on the railing behind me, but at least they did not run away from my side. So, for lunch I purchased things from their mini menu and a McCafe Mocha(Iced) for me.

I promised my twins they could have some of my coffee if they ate all their nuggets, which they did.

While outside playing, they made some friends, like they usually do when we go places. My twins, they are not shy when it comes to saying, "HI!!!" to people they do not know. Especially Twin "B", she seems is not shy at all.

After our lunch was done, I gave them 5 more mins to play and then we left. Once home, Daddy, who was also home, put them down for their nap. Once they are up, we will probably go for a walk around the block, like yesterday (with our neighbor), and then they can play on their big wheels and water their seeds.

TwiceToddlers and Mommy at Costco

After the gym, my Twice Toddlers and Mommy went to Costco. My main reason for going was to get some more of that Hawaiian Sweet Bread. My twins LOVE this bread. Well, Mommy does too, but who knew they would like this bread.

While entering Costco, my twins and saw one of our friends Mother's, Marla. She just loves my twins and their hair. Well, everyone just loves their hair. I mean, everyone we come into contact with comments on their red, curly hair. They usually say their hair looks like Shirley Temple.

So, I picked up some more Hawaiian Sweet Bread, got them a new Disney top/skirt outfit in pink with Minnie in the center of they top, some more Sun Chips, a variety of cookies and some animal cookies.

We had a good time at Costco and it was busy too. Well, Costco is always busy. When I was leaving, and at my truck, I was having the hardest time getting my twins out of their strap thingy. So, this nice man parked next to me saw I was struggling and offered to help me unstrap my twins, I also let him take Twin "A" out of her chair. I only did this because I looked familiar to me and, he looked nice.

It is always nice to get some honest help when it is needed. It is also a good thing Mommy had a good time at Costco with her Twice Toddlers. Will wonder's ever cease???

TwiceToddlers and Mommy at the Gym

Today, we left the house around 9:00 and drove down the street to the gym. I did 15 min on the ellipse machine, 15 min on the walking machine, 5 reps of 20 for my legs, 5 reps of 20 on my chest and 5 reps of 20 on my stomach. Then, I took a shower. I figure since we are paying for the gym services, why not use their water and electricity too.

Plus, I kept looking in on my twins and it looked like they were having fun with their new friends. They were playing with several large, soft blocks, watching cartoons, a disney movie and playing in the firehouse jumper. Oh, they also colored some coloring pages.

It is a good thing our gym has this daycare, otherwise, Daddy and Mommy would not be able to get back into shape...

Yeah for gyms who have daycare...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

TwiceToddlers Watering Their Seeds

After my twins nap, I gave them half a brownie and some a little bottle of chocky milk. Then I said,"Let's go for a walk." So, my twins got on some their sandals or flip flops Nana gave them last summer.

Once their feet were covered, we walked across the street to our neighbors house and talked to them. Then, I asked of our female friend wanted to go on a walk with us. She said, "Sure", and got her sunglasses on too.

Then, we walked around the block, well, Twin "A" more or less jogged, while Twin "B" held Mommies hand. After our walk, we looked across the street, no cars, so I let them run across to our house.

After we got back home, we went into the garage. In the garage, my twins spied a water toy I got them. I opened that toy where they played with it for a while in their water table. Then, Mommy, that is me, suggested they water their seeds in the front of the house. So, we filled the buckets (with a watering can spout) and walked to the front of the house.

Once in front of the house, I showed Twins "A&E" where to water their seeds. It was all along one of our fences. I told them it would take a couple weeks to see if they would begin to grow. We made three trips to the fence and watered those seeds pretty well. It was fun too.

Precious TwiceToddlers...

TwiceToddlers and Kitty Kat Dress, well Gown, actually

Last night, after my twins bath, I had set out a kitty kat gown for them to wear. Well, at first, they, Twin "A" in particular, did not want to wear it. Then, she looked at it and thought it was a dress. I explained to her it was actually a night gown, from Grammie and Papa, from last summer.

Twin "A" had to think it was a dress though. She and Twin "B" love wearing dresses. So, I let them think it was a dress, because, well, a night gown does look like a dress, indeed.

So, tonight when twins A&E go to Grammie and Papa's, they want to wear their 'dresses'.

Silly TwiceToddlers.....

TwiceToddlers Sowing Seeds

After daycare today and once we were home, I let my girls watch one of their BabyBoost shows. Then, I told them I was going out in the front yard and to just watch their show. Well, after their show, they followed me outside and they were watching me throw some seeds in the dirt.

So, I opened the remaining seed pockets I had and placed some flower seeds in their hands. Then, I showed them where to throw them. Well, will all the rain clouds over my home, it looks like the seeds will be covered in the ground pretty soon. If not, my DH will turn on the sprinklers anyway.

I had my girls sew some morning glory and various other flowers against one of our fences. So, time will tell if the seeds actually begin to bring up some pretty flowers.

TwiceToddlers Falling of their Beds

Well, lately, Daddy and Mommy, are not sure if our twins wake up crying hysterically because they fall of their, very low to the ground beds, or they are having bad dreams. I just read an article from BabyCenter, stating around ages 3-4, this is when toddlers begin having bad dreams. These bad dreams could come from watching scary shows, listening to scary books or seeing images in their bedroom at night. Well, for my twins, the latter is what causes them to have bad dreams.

So, last night, late last night, Daddy and Mommy, took our twins for a drive for a while. This seemed to calm them down and get them back to normal. Then, when we got home, Daddy removed a book from the bookshelf which seemed to be the culprit of their fear.

Hopefully, this fear will subside as they get older. It is not fun to go through with them at all. Especially with the way they cry over whatever is scaring them.

God Bless Our TwiceBabies....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

TwiceToddlers and The Gym

A couple weeks ago, or was it last week, my DH signed us up at the gym again. It has been three to four years since we have graced the inside of this particular gym. Before our twins, we used to go to this gym at least 4-5 times a week.

This gym is so cool though, no pool, but they do have childcare. Yeah, this is why we joined again. Well, that and our bodies are getting out of shape. Oh, and this gym is right down the street from us. I could sneeze and be right there.

Within the strip mall our gym is located, it is also going to get a mini market. Oh, I am so happy. I can't wait for it to open. I would rather pay a little more for produce and other food products, right down the street from me, than have to drive to a major grocery store a bit farther away.

So anyway, my twins really like going to the gym with Mommy or Daddy because they can play with new friends, watch toons, play with toys in the room and play in this jumping gym for the kids. There is also a restroom in the daycare room so the daycare providers (2), do not have to leave the room.

It is just great. Too bad there is no pool though. That would be a nice added bonus. At least I can wash my hair and take a shower after my workout. Today, after going to the gym, I went to Target and purchased some clear S/C containers which I filled and put in my duffel bag, for the gym.

I will do my best to get to the gym a least 3-4 times a week. I have to tighten up my abs you know..LOL

Monday, May 4, 2009

TwiceToddlers Mom, The Grocery Store and Christian Radio

It never ceases to amaze me, that every time I get into my truck, with or without my twins, a christian radio show comes on that is just for me. Take for instance tonight. I was driving to the grocery store getting some stuff. While on the drive, this pastor, did not hear his name, was talking about every tear being wiped from our eyes, Revelation 21:4. Well, I just love this verse and as this pastor continued talking, the Niagara falls came flowing down my eyes. It is always this way, especially when I am alone. My precious Lord is so sweet and He gently lets me know how much He loves me and knows what I am going through.

Then, as I came to my destination, I got out of the truck and the song by Jeremy Camp, "There will be a Day" came to my mind as I know this song is about Revelation 21:4 which is what this pastor was talking about. I know the disease which goes through my body will be no more and I will be made perfect, like my Savior who created me in His Image.

This is just like my precious Savior to talk to me when I am alone and able to soak it all in. Then, on my drive home, I was listening to another pastor, or woman speaker, talking about how Paul was telling the Corinthians it is not good for believer's in Christ to be"unequally yoked". She used Paul's example of why two oxen are yoked together. With two, they can get more done and they are going in the same direction. Again, I love this verse and it is always a good reminder for me to hear this truth.

My goodness, I certainly had one packed night, I was only going to the grocery store.

I Praise you Lord Jesus and thank you for Your Love, above all, forgiveness.

TwiceToddlers and "Magic Movers"

There is this somewhat new show in the DisneyChannel called "Imagination Movers". It is about 4 guys who solve problems, creatively. They work in a warehouse, right next to this guy named NitKnots and his niece Nina. Along with the four guys in their warehouse is Warehouse Mouse. The Warehouse Mouse helps the "Movers" solve problems, along with Nina.

They solve all sorts of problems from finding a way to move around a very big phone book to getting keys out of a locked room.

Anyway, my twins love this show because, for one, the Mover wear BLUE, their favorite color and two, they sing and dance. TwiceToddler "B" loves to dance, TwiceToddler "A", not so much. I told TwiceToddler "B", "Nana will just love you TwiceToddler "B" because Nana loves to dance.

Oh, and my twins can not say "Imagination Movers" --too many syllables I assume. So, they say and must hear "Magic Movers". Just too cute and precious....

So, this is one of the many educational shows I allow my twins to watch. There is this new show on Disney with a panda. I will not allow my girls to watch this because I do not like the 'message' it sends to them.

Well, you win some, you lose some.

God Bless Everyone and Stay Safe!

TwiceToddlers and the Scent of NeoSure

When my twins were preemies, they had to be on this special formula called Neosure. My husband and I had to learn to feed our twins through this feeding tube called a gavage tube. The nurses, who were on very long shifts, would pour the formula into the tubes, insert the feeding tube into each of our twins throats and my husband and I would hold the tube, up high or down low, to allow the formula to flow into their itty, bitty bodies.

Anyway, sometimes, like lately, when I am sleeping next to one or both my twins, I can smell the scent of Neosure in my nose. Does that ever happen to you where you catch the scent of something from your present or past? Isn't that funny how scents, good or bad, will enter your olfactory senses and bring back memories of times gone by?

This is how that Neosure affects my memories and brings me right back to being in the NICU, for two weeks, with my twin girls. Today, you would never know they were once preemies as they are growing and developing so well.

Praise the Lord...!!!

TwiceToddlers Funny Ways of Speaking

Within the past couple of weeks, my twins have been using these two words to describe what they are "trying" to talk about. These two words are "Hers" and "Hims". It is the cutest thing, I think. For one, it is showing me they are doing their best to learn our language and second, that they are doing their best to seperate the sexes.

Even though they do not yet know how to say, "Those are hers or his", it is hilarious hearing them try and say this phrase. At this time, I really do not want to correct them. I think it is too cute and, they will eventually figure it out on their own or learn the right way to say the phrase from their daycare friends.

"Hers" and "Hims"----you gotta love it....

My precious TwiceBabies, now TwiceToddlers----

TwiceToddlers New Phrase: "What You Say?"

This is too funny. Daddy, nor Mommy, have no idea where they learned this phrase from? It is the cutest though. Twin "A" and Twin "B" say it to each other and sometimes to Mommy and Daddy. The cutest thing though is, the way they say it and the look on their face. Sometimes, they will put their hands on their hips as they say "What you say"?

Yes, as my twins grow, so do their language skills. Many of their new phrases just crack me up and I have to ask them, at least twice, what they said. If my twins learned this phrase, it is safe to say they heard it from one of their daycare friends.

I just love seeing my twins grow and develop. It is just sad seeing them grow and develop out of infant hood, into toddler hood. But, I have to always praise my Lord they are healthy in all ways.

Friday, May 1, 2009

TwiceToddlers: TwiceToddler "A" and the Missing Blanket

For the last two days, Mommy and Daddy have been searching high and low, in drawers, under beds, behind couches, in the playhouse outside, and we could not locate the missing green blanket.

Mommy asked her daycare friend if the blanket was left at her home, nope, Mommy asked Daddy to look inside his car, nope and Mommy asked Daddy to call his Mommy to see if the blanket was at her house, nope.

So, one last time, when I picked up my girls and brought them home, I looked one last time. As it turns out, the blanket was in our home. It was in the big basket Nana gave me with all my baby shower gifts in it from August 2005. I keep the basket in our hallway for laundry.

Anyway, I am thinking Twin "A" placed the blanket in the basket yesterday as she was bringing the basket back to the hallway. The same time one of the photos fell off the wall and hit her head. She began to cry, had a little scratch on her forehead an Twin "B" began to cry too, for no reason except to gain some attention too.

Well, all I have to say is, AMEN!! The blanket was lost, and now is found. As ratty and yucky as it is, Twin "A" still loves it. In fact, this blanket is just falling apart right in front of our eyes. Twin "B"s blanket is also on its way out.

God Bless Everyone...