Well, when I looked on this website for dresses my twins would like, I found these pink and very adorable girl's personalized dresses. My goodness, when I found this dress, I knew my twins would just love this. This dress would be great to wear in the late fall and all though the cold winter months. I showed my twins this dress and they loved in because their first initial could be put on the front of their dress. When my twins dresses arrived, I just fell in love with them. They are long sleeve, a very soft cotton with a ruffle at the end of the dress. The best thing about this dress, of course, is the capital letter in each of my twins name in the top portion of the dress.
The clothing just for twins is adorable. The onesies for twins, do come in pairs, and they range in sizes 0-18 months. Some of the onesies are also available for toddlers in sizes ranging from 2T-4T. As for the regular T-Shirts, they come in sizes 12 months to 10 year old. All these clothes are for both girls and boys and come in a variety of designs and colors that will not disappoint.
When you look at and place your order at the TrendyTwinShop for a friend having twins or for yourself,you will come back over and over again. Especially since the clothes are for more than preemies and infants. One more added bonus for all my readers, you will receive 20% off your first purchase until October 11th.
Wow - My wife would have loved that site as well! Our twin girls were 4 lbs 12 oz. and 4 lbs 6 oz. - so I understand the whole finding clothes thing! Looks like a great site!