
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mommy and TwiceBabies at Naptime

At nap time this afternoon, I had the strangest dream.

Rarely do I recall any dreams I have, but just this week, I have been able to recall my dreams.

First, it was the Brad Pitt dream and now, now this strange dream about bugs.

Oh yes, bugs. These bugs were different. In my home, there were these clear/white, rather medium sized bugs with ridges on their back and long feelers coming from their head. The other bug with this bug was dark brown and small in size.

I found these bugs at the foot of my coffee table and then again at the light switch in my girls room. These bugs, the clear white ones were trying to enter my ears. That is gross. I kept trying to tell someone, anyone to help me and asked them what these bugs were. But, I had no idea who I was talking to.

I was just afraid of these bugs and I am not a fan of bugs, period.

Then, my twins woke up and the dream ended.

If anyone knows what to make of this dream, I am open to your interpretation.

God Bless.

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