Oh yeah, it certainly is good to live in the Golden (Tarnished) State.
You see, some school districts, Elk Grove out of Sacarmento, is planning on cutting their budget by $25 million! This means, they will have to lay off credentialed teachers and personnel workers.
Now, on the flipside, our oh so lovely state, plans to force parents to be credentialed to teach their children at home. Oh yeah, this is really going to sit well with parents who have homeschooled their children for years.
This argument only comes up because, supposedly, a father was abusing his son at home. Well, for one thing, how the heach did anyone ever find this out? Is this just hearsay or speculation? Oh no, the CPS, we have to thank them for coming into our homes and destroying loving families, right? Oh yeah, the all powerful and mighty CPS now come into homes, talk to children and some how, some how, get them to tell lies or snitch on their parents to break up families.
You see, the evil of government do not want happy, healthy families living together. They must be broken up. The nuclear family shall be no more in the eyes of the local, state and national governments.
Yes, times are changing, and all we can do is pray. The Lord will protect us, loving families that is, and the Christian family based law firms in California, will more likely than not, be protecting families in California who love to homeschool and teach their children about God, morals and respect. Everything our local schools will not teach or want to teach.
Drinking Coffee and Inflammation Issues
A long time ago, I found this company online and had to try it out. So, I
have been drinking this herbal coffee/tea for over 5 years now. When I
found out ...
6 years ago
hell0! just blog hopping :)