On some of the doors in my home, there is no way I can add a safety latch to my door to keep my girls fingers out. That being said, this morning, or later afternoon, Twin "A" had her fingers in the door, while Twin "B" was closing the door.
Well, I am sure you can imagine what happened next. You guessed it, Twin "A" had a delayed reaction to her fingers getting stuck in the door and the began crying and crying and crying, etc. I comforted her by kissing her fingers and loving her, but after a while, she was just milking it. Her fingers were really fine, no blood or nothing. This is because I was Twin "B" closing the door our of the corner of my eye, with Twin "A"s fingers in the door and quickly took Twin "A"s fingers our, hoping she would have less pain.
In my home, I do have one safety latch on our family room door and will get two more for our computer room which has two doors. But, the utility room, my bedroom and the twins bedroom doors can not accommodate a safety latch for various reasons.
So now, the score is: Twin "A"=2 Twin "B"=0 fingers in door.
But, Twin "B" faked hurting her fingers so Mommy too would kiss her fingers and make them better.
You see, these little Angels are bright and they really know what is going on, even if they do not obey Mommy when I tell them to KEEP THE DOORS OPEN!!
Drinking Coffee and Inflammation Issues
A long time ago, I found this company online and had to try it out. So, I
have been drinking this herbal coffee/tea for over 5 years now. When I
found out ...
6 years ago
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