Tonight, Mommy, that would be me, took Twin "B" to Wal Mart for our date night so I could purchase a new hair dryer. I got the one with ion capability, feminine products and hair conditioner. Throughout our Wal Mart visit, Twin "B" was "taking" up a storm. I mean, she pointed our everything in sight and wanted to hold everything to. I told her, "You are only two and already want everything, this is not a good thing Twin "B"".
Daddy took Twin "A" to Target for nighttime diapers and a Christmas gift. Then, they went to Gottschalks for some Christmas gifts, AE and B&N for some gift cards.
This date night, Twin "B" was the talkative one and Twin "A" was not a happy camper. My twins are still teething and almost anything sets them off. They can turn on a dime because the teething cutting into the gum still hurts. Molars are the last of their teeth and the ones that hurt the most.
Anyway, they love going out on date night with Daddy or Mommy because they get a special time alone and no competition.
Drinking Coffee and Inflammation Issues
A long time ago, I found this company online and had to try it out. So, I
have been drinking this herbal coffee/tea for over 5 years now. When I
found out ...
6 years ago
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