Wednesday, March 30, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) Nana and Papa Came into Town
An hour before Nana and Papa arrived, my twins had just gotten out of school. They came home with homework...two days late too. I mean, as each week begins, Monday, that is when they bring homework...home. So, it looks as if they will have to do some of it in the morning, before school, and the rest Friday morning, the last day to complete their homework.
Anyway, today, when Nana and Papa arrived, my twins played with Nana and Papa in the backyard, on the swing and Papa took his TwiceBabies (Toddlers no more) to CVS and Starbucks to get a kids iced chocolate. I like Starbucks for this reason. I mean, unlike the family owned coffee shops in my city, Starbucks actually caters to the "little" people, with "little" cups and "little" prices to match.
Once Daddy came home from work and gym, Nana and Mommy went our shopping. I rarely, if ever get out of my home since I no longer drive. It is not by choice either, health related. So, I am pretty much stuck in my home all day, everyday. When Nana comes up to see me and the TwiceBabies (TwiceToddlers no more), she takes me shopping. Yeah!
The time had gone by so fast, we went to the mall and Nana got me and the TwiceToddlers(no more) shoes at PayLess, then my Mom and I went to Macy's. I was finally able to use my giftcard and EX Change card.
By the time we left the mall, it was already eight thirty. My twins wanted Nana to give them a bath, but we were not home, so Daddy drew them a bath instead. Nana can give them a bath tomorrow evening.
When we got home, twins were washed and dressed and Nana and Mommy were getting something to eat. I ate the leftovers from last night and Nana made a Turkey sandwich.
Nana and Papa were exhaused from the loooooong drive up north and just twenty minutes ago, they fell fast asleep... Goodnight Nana, Papa and TwiceToddlers (no more).
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Whatever Lamp Style You Are Looking For, It Can Be Found at LampClick
A very popular lighting fixture these days are wall sconce lighting . This style of lighting can be placed in small rooms, large rooms, hallways, outdoors, and in office buildings. There are various wall sconces that come with one light sconce, two light sconces, three light sconces, washer/flush wall sconces, directional wall sconces and step wall sconces. These wall sconces are so lovely, you are sure to want one or two in your hallway and anywhere in your home where a free standing lamp would not do.
When looking to replace your current bathroom lighting, there are over a thousand designs and styles of vanity lighting to look at. Whether you are changing the decor of your bathroom or just need to update your current bathroom decor, you are sure to impress your friends and family with your new style.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) Mom Found Some Precious Dresses at The TeaCollection
These dresses look like Spring/Summer dresses and come in a variety of colors, designs and sizes small(0) to size 12. The dresses are so cute, I might just have to purchase two. There is not a day that does by when my twins only want to wear dresses.
Now, along with dresses for girls, there are mix and match sets varying in sizes, from infants to 12 year olds. tops, leggings, pants/jeans, skirts/shorts/shorts, sweaters, outwear, shoes, sandals and accessories. I have to say, girls are spoiled at Tea, from infants to young girls. In whatever weather or season, your little girl will look adorable and having your family and friends asking, "Where did you get these dresses?"
That's when I'll tell you who the Tea Collection Company is. Well, they started with some cotton sweaters and a desire to share their designs to everyone, in 2002. Their designs are unique and inspired by the beauty around us. Tea goes around the world from Korea to Brazil searching for styles they can model their clothing lines after.
Tea clothing can be found at high end and specialty stores in America, Canada and Australia. To stay up to date on where Tea is currently seeking out new designs, go to their website and "Like" them on Facebook too.
When you are searching for a unique style, design and all around look, the only place you need to go to is the Tea website or high end department store near you.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Optimizing Your HD or Plasma Television Begins with Right Cables
Now, when it comes to needing a video cable, the one used most often are the s-video cables. These cables are made with four connector pins. The reason for four pins is, they allow for more longevity and signal strength. The last thing a consumer needs is a cable that stops working after a couple of months or years. No, this is the perfect cable for high resolution televisions or gaming units. These cables are also 24 karat, gold plated and come in 3 feet, 6 feet, 12 feet, 25 feet, 50 feet and 100 feet. So, for whatever size you need, you can find it here, and with free shipping.
Sometimes, you want to connect your computer to your high definition television. In order to do this, you will need some cables which allow this to happen. That is where DVI and HDMI cables come in. As it turns out, every DVI or HDMI cable you need can be found right here. The sizes you need can be found here as well. Somewhat similar to the s-video cables, these cables come in sizes 3 feet to 50 feet. These cables will make it easy for your computer to connect to your Plasma or LCD TV. Just like the s-cables, with these cables, connecting your computer to your TV, they are made of gold plated connectors for that insurance of connectivity and cable life strength.
As you can see, when you are in need of these cables, this is the only place to turn to, especially with free shipping and excellent customer service.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Nineteen of 60 Day Slimdown
You might be thinking, what does this have to do with today's the 60 Day Slimdown? Well nothing at all. I just thought I would tell you about my weather today.
Let's see, for breakfast today, I made another Strawberry Smoothie. This time, it tasted sweeter than before. I do not know why though. I mean, I added the same amount of sugar as before, the same amount of strawberries as before, the same amount of yogurt as before. So, I do not know what made it taste sweeter..but it did not bother me because....I have a sweet tooth anyway...
As it came time for lunch, I was looking at the menu and decided to make a Raspberry Salad. I made it for one, because I like this salad and two, because I do want the lettuce to go bad. It looks like I have enough lettuce for three more lunch meals. This is the best, in my opinion, lettuce to eat. The leaves are green than iceberg lettuce. The greener the leaves, the more healthier it is for you too.
While I was eating lunch, I listened to Fighting for the Faith with Chris Rosebrough. He and one of his guests were talking about the author of Love Wins. If you want to listen to the interview, click here. I will not give my opinion as it has nothing to do with eating my lunch. I did agree with the interview though.
Today was my Aunt's 60th birthday, so my Aunt and Uncle came over. My twins love Auntie Leenie and Uncle Mike. When my Aunt came over, she brought my sunglasses with her, two old fashioned dresses, two old fashioned chairs, an old fashioned photo, an old fashioned clothes washer. I will be using these when I take old fashioned photos of my twins. I still need a few more items: old fashioned telephone and two porcelain dolls. I am looking on eBay for the items, but I will not pay over a certain amount, plus the shipping and handling charges. I did purchase this awesome old fashioned trunk last week, on eBay. It was restored by the owner's and has two storage shelves in it. I LOVE it. What I am going to do is replace the Old Fashioned photos I had taken of my twins when they were 13 months old, with some new photos I am going to take of them at five years, four months old. I have always loved Old Fashioned photos. Since I love taking photographs, especially of my twins, this was a no brainer to me.
When dinner time came around, we all went downtown and ate at a local diner. They had chicken wrap on the menu, so I purchased that. So, I was within the realm of a meal on the 60 Day Meal Plan. Although, the Chicken Wrap is a lunch meal. This is the closest I could come to a meal from my 60 Day Meal Plan.
For a desert, I made my Aunt a mini Strawberry Cake. I have those mini cake pans I purchased from a mass retailer. The cake mix fit into five of the cake pans. The pans look like mini bundt cakes, minus the hole in the middle.
Here are some photographs I took of my Aunt's pre-** Birthday, enjoy and I will talk to you tomorrow! Hope your weather is alright where you live. God Bless!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

The Best Way to Give Your Company Exposure is with Promotional Items
promotional mugs are a must have item to have in your place of business. They are easy to give out and keep with you in you vehicle, to give out. Once you give out mugs, they might be used by your clients in their office or they might be taken home to use. This means your business is always shown, right in front of your client or potential business.
Now, in order for your business to thrive, it is important for you to check out the Trade Show News Network website and if possible, attend a trade show. There are trade shows all over the country,for whatever product you are looking for. This is an amazing website because you can add your event to this website, along with signing up to attend a trade show. The TSNN website also has a marketing tool area you can look to decide how you will market your trade show to those in need you a particular product or products to meet a clients needs.

Friday, March 18, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Eighteen of 60 Day Slimdown
My twins were so excited. They love when Mommy goes to school with them. So, this morning, I did not have my breakfast from the 60 Day Meal Plan as I went to school with my twins. Instead, Mommy, that is me, had a quarter piece of a chocolate muffin and a quarter piece of a coffee muffin and one cup of red raspberry tea. My twins each had a half of their favorite donut. You see, there were two events happening today: Moms and Muffins and Dads and Donuts.
When we arrived at school, the cafeteria had not filled up...yet. So, we got to choose the muffins and donuts we wanted. My twins had two cups of apple juice too.
Here are two photographs of Mommy and Twins at Moms and Muffins:
When we got home, after Daddy picked us up, the twins watched Monsters, Inc and I watched the local news. I love my local news. I love the hosts and the silly things they do in the morning. I love the FaceBook comments they read from people who live in the Central Valley and beyond. There are two morning shows for my area, but I prefer this show instead. I have become attached to the hosts you might say. This local news program is much more appealing to me than the cable news shows anymore.
So, with that, I was also writing some articles that had to be completed today. When it came time for Daddy to take the girls to school, it was beginning to rain. Well, it was drizzling anyway. Once my girls were out the door, it really began to rain and get extremely windy. I like the wind and long as I am indoors to appreciate it though.
Oh, so once the girls were off to school, I began my exercise using the CFS DVD Phase 1 and Cardio #1. I am so used to doing these exercises now, I can do them in my sleep. Oh yeah, and my muscles are not so tense anymore. I mean, they no longer hurt after I exercise. This is a good thing and something I have been waiting for.
Today for lunch, I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of soup. I figured since it still feels like Winter, why not eat as if it is still Winter. I mean, it is supposed to me Spring this weekend, right? Does it look or feel like Spring where you live? In my city, we do have blooming trees and flowers. This is the only part of Spring I see and it is beautiful to see. Praise God for Bees as they make springtime ever so lovely.
Dinnertime, the final meal of my day. What shall I eat tonight for dinner....let's see, I think I will make the Spicy Vegetable Pasta. Carbs, I love carbs..especially sourdough bread and pasta. The two go hand in hand...but not with this meal. So, I will save the bread for another meal in the meal plan. For tonight, I shall eat the Spicy Vegetable Pasta. This is easy to make and I will make enough for some more dinners.
Farewell my blog readers, for tonight that is. Have a blessed evening, in whatever you do, in your town, city or state. Goodnight!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

The Best Place to Buy Designer Shoes and Clothing is at Bluefly
Not only do they offer an array of designer shoes from Gucci to Prada, they also offer an array of clothes from French Connection to C&C California. Bluefly sells over eighty pairs of Prada Shoes on their website. It does not matter what style you are looking for, Bluefly has your Prada shoe avaiable. There are flats, boots, high heel shoes. If you are looking for a particular seasonsal shoe for summer, winter, spring or fall shoes, Bluefly has them too. This is a great website for those one stop shopping people in all things Prada and designer.
The Prada brand began in 1913, with leather workers, Mario and Martino Prada. In 1970, their granddaughter Muiccia, found a way to make their products more desirable and market them to a high end clientele. In 1913, Prada was known for their totes, but when Muiccia used her vision for something better, the shoe line was developed and the rest is history.

Thursday, March 17, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Seventeen of 60 Day Slimdown
With all the varieties of breakfast meals in the 60 Day Meal Plan, I do not have to just eat one or two. In fact, today I ate something totally different. Today, I ate a Red Pepper Egg Sandwich. This is something on the 60 Day Meal Plan, for breakfast. There is another breakfast meal, but I have not eaten that yet.
Thursday is normally my bible study in the morning, but we do not begin again until Next Thursday. So, today, I was able to do the PNBC DVD. This is a pretty cool exercise DVD. Well, I like them all, so far. As of right now, I am a little more than half way through the first thirty days of the sixty day slimdown. Woo Hoo!
Once my exercise was complete, I drank a glass of ice cold lemon water. Next time, I will add lime instead of lemon. Oh, I am so daring!
This time for lunch, I made myself a black bean taco salad and that was perfect. I loved it and ate it quickly too. With my lunch, I drank an ice cold water with lime. It tasted pretty good with the black bean taco salad too.
After eating lunch, I went back to writing and meeting up with my friends on Gather. I love this website. Not only can I meet new peeps on Gather, I can earn gift cards and so much more. If you are not on Gather yet, what are you waiting for!
For dinner tonight, I put together a tuna salad. This was easy to make and easy to down as well. Eating a tuna salad never gets old or tiring for me either,
Alrighty then! Goodnight my blog readers..I will talk to you on Friday. Have a great evening.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

TwiceToddlers (No More) and Tropical Traditions Coconut Peanut Butter
When it comes to coconut, there is, of course, the coconut you can purchase from you local grocery store and then, there is the coconut already out of the shell for you. The way I like to purchase coconut is in drink form, oil form and even peanut butter form!
To learn more about coconut, and possibly win a Free container of Tropical Traditions Peanut Butter, go to their blog and enter to win some yummy coconut peanut butter. Look, there are other ways to eat peanut better than just your typical peanuts.
This is an amazing way to stay healthy and still get that delicious taste of peanut butter you like for sandwiches or any other way you eat peanut butter.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Sixteen of 60 Day Slimdown
After drinking my smoothie and my twins were off to school, I began doing my exercise for today. For this exercise, I used the CFS DVD;Phase 1 and Cardio #1. The time it takes me to do this exercise is perfect for me. I am not a fan of doing exercise for more than 30 minutes, period.
It is the middle of the week. Don't you just love the middle of the week! It means you are just two days closer to the weekend. A weekend of fun to play or just sit around the home with family and/or friends. Yeah, to me, the middle of the week has always been my favorite day of the five day work-or not-week.
With that said, it has been a nice Wednesday for me so far. The sun is out, no rain, yet and my twins are almost done with the school year. It is hard to believe they are going to move up a grade. It does make Mommy proud though.
As lunch time rolled around, I felt like eating a bean burrito. I love beans, black and pinto beans. I am also eating vegetarian beans now. These are the beans used in the recipe and they are really good to. Now, when I eat these burritos, I can only eat one and this is fine with me.
Once lunch was done, I began doing laundry and cleaning my house from all the dust beginning to build up on my shelves. I also opened up a couple windows to let in some fresh air. Oh, I can not wait until the cold weather is completely gone so I can let in some more sunshine and fresh air.
My dinner menu for tonight was breakfast, again. I really love making breakfast for dinner. It is easy and my whole family likes to eat breakfast for dinner too.
Alright my blog readers, I will talk to you tomorrow. Yeah, two more days of the week and the weekend is here!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Fifteen on 60 Day Slimdown
So in the morning for my breakfast, I had some oatmeal with sliced apples in it. As always, it was yummy. With the weather getting warmer....soon...I will not be eating this though.
For my exercise this morning, I used the S5F DVD; Workout #1. This was something different for me and I think I worked out muscles I have not used in a long time.
As lunchtime came around I had another Raspberry Salad and a coconut water. I love coconut waters in a big way. Right now, I think I can live off these Raspberry Salad's, but I know this would not be good for me as I do need some variety too.
My twins had ballet class tonight too. My twins love ballet class with their friends too. This season, they will be doing a dance recital using flower costumes, I think. This Easter though, at our church, my twins and their friends, will be doing a ballet dance recital for everyone at church. Oh, I am so excited... I hope my twins will be too when Easter comes around.
When it came time for dinner, I did go off my 60 Day Meal plan menu and ate a Sourdough Pepper Jack Sandwich. Oh my, it was just delicious!!! I want another soon..
Alright, so this was my day, hope you had a good day and talk to you tomorrow!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Cuts Heal Quickly with Walgreens Triple Antibiotic Ointment Original Strength
This is a compensated post written by me on behalf of Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.
Recently, I was asked to try one of Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products. Since myself and my twins tend to get cuts from playing outdoors, indoors and any other way cuts can be received, I choose to try the Walgreens Triple Antibiotic Ointment Original Strength.
Once I received this product, it quickly went to good use as I had cut myself dicing some onions. When I applied this ointment to my wound and covered it with a bandage, it healed within three days. It is a good thing my wound was not deep. Now, before trying this product, I had used another brand, but from now on, I will be using this product. Not only does this Walgreens Brand work better, it costs half of what the name brand ointment costs.
With the purchase of Walgreens Way to Well FundTM products, you will be supporting and bringing preventative wellness services to your local city or town through the Walgreens Way to Well Fund™. The Walgreens Way to Well FundTM provides people the way to stay healthy through prevention and education and so much more. Walgreens contributes up to $3 million annually to the Walgreens Way to Well FundTM . Right there, this shows their dedication to keeping their clients healthy, year round. This means, the Walgreens Way to Well FundTM provides free health tests as well as other health and wellness services.
It looks like, your best bet is to not only receive your prescriptions from Walgreens, but know you will be in good hands with the new Walgreens Way to Well FundTM .
Monday, March 14, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Fourteen on 60 Day Slimdown
Well after this sad news, I made my breakfast. This morning I made a Blueberry Smoothie and a Toasted Sandwich. I like this for breakfast as well. This will, indeed, fill me up until lunch time.
While eating breakfast, I listened to some downloaded Derry Brownfield shows in which I had not listened to yet. Well, at least I can still listen to his voice and all the common sense he dished out everyday for all Americans to hear and hopefully put into action.
Since today was Monday, it was my day of Rest. So, for my resting day, I sat on my bed, read my emails, wrote my blog articles for payment and listened to Derry Brownfield shows on iTunes as a tribute to his love to America and all her citizens. I think I will keep all of Derry's shows on my iPod so I will not forget what an amazing human being he was.
As lunch time was rolling around, I decided to eat a Raspberry Salad. I had a big bag of Romaine lettuce which needs to be eaten, as it will get bad real soon, so I made this delicious salad for myself. I will probably eat it tomorrow too. This is the best homemade salad I have eaten. I love all the goodies in it and it is just the perfect amount for my tiny body.
For my dinner tonight, I decided to eat Soft Tacos. I am a sucker for tacos, soft or otherwise, and they are easy to make too. With my tacos, I drank a glass of lemon water. I drink filtered water as my tap water is just horrid and filled with fluoride and chlorine. Yeah, I am not a fan of poisons in my water and I hope you are not too.
Alright, so I will talk to you tomorrow evening...have a blessed Tuesday!!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Sunday, March 13, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Thirteen of 60 Day Slimdown
Alright now, well for breakfast this morning, I had Apples and Cinnamon and half a Strawberry Smoothie. I figured since the Smoothie is enough to fill me up, there is no need to be stuffed with the Apples and Cinnamon and the Smoothie.
After my breakfast, I began doing laundry. I had a lot of towels and clothes to clean as they were filling up my basket in the hallway. Well, there really were not a lot of clothes, it just looked like it because the basket is small.
Once the clothes and towels were washing, I went into my bedroom and watched the news while my twins were playing with their puzzles in the family room and playing with their dollies.
Since today is Sunday, for exercising today, I worked out with the CFS DVD: Phase 1 and Cardio #1. I really do like these exercises and oh my does my body feel it. I mean, when you do not work out for a long time, your muscles certainly do feel it.
When it came time for lunch, I decided to eat a Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Tomato Soup. Once my lunch was made, I went to my room and again listened to my online radio shows and watched some news.
Just like last night, I again ate Spicy Shrimp Tacos. Well, I had some leftovers so why not finish, right? It tasted just as good tonight as it did the first night.
Alright my blog readers, I will talk to you tomorrow.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Saturday, March 12, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Twelve of 60 Day Slimdown
In the afternoon, we pretty much stayed home and chilled. My twins watched some movies and Daddy watched golf. I, on the other hand, was reading a book I am supposed to be blogging about soon. I have had this book for almost two months now and am finally more than halfway through the book. I plan on blogging about it in two weeks.
When it came time for lunch, I had another Chicken Salad Wrap. These are really good to make and so easy too. Well, I love all the ingredients in this lunch so it is not hard for me to eat either.
After lunch, I went back to reading my book, which I do really like. Although, I know all the information in this book as I learned about some of the information in my ecology class in the early 90's. The next time I read a book, then blog about it, I will not read something I already know about.
Alright, so for dinner, I ate Spicy Shrimp Tacos. Oh my, these were really good. I love spicy foods and this was just the right about of spice and not too many shrimp either.
So, tonight we have to bring our clocks forward (Spring Forward) that is. Usually when I have to Spring forward, my day is all messed up. But, I love Springing forward because the sun stays out longer and I know Summer is on its way.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Friday, March 11, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Eleven of the 60 Day Slimdown
After watching my local news, I got out of bed and began making my Strawberry Smoothie for breakfast. As always, it was delicious.
Once my Smoothie was made, I went back to my room and watched more local news of the Tsunami in Japan and now finding its way to California, both Northern California and Southern California. It really is amazing how a Tsunami in Japan can affect the coastline of California, Oregon and Hawaii. Even the "smallest" ripples coming from this Tsunami are damaging marina's and harbor's in some beach front cities.
Sitting on by bed again, I had to continue watching my local news on the devastation in California from this Tsunami. Those waves, small as they were, continued creating a mess throughout the marina's and harbor's. Boats were being tossed to and fro and turned upside down as well. Oh, what a mess for these people along the marina and harbor. This Tsunami is going to affect all of us in America whether it is food or cars. Prices will be rising on just about everything now.
When dinner came around, I decided to eat breakfast for dinner. Oh, I just love eating breakfast for dinner. Do you ever eat breakfast for dinner. I have eggs and bacon, with lemon water. Oh yummy. This is also easy to make as well.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Thursday, March 10, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Ten of 60 Day Slimdown
This morning for breakfast I decided to have Western Eggs and some Lemon Water. For a change of pace, this was a delicious breakfast. I might just have this tomorrow as well.
After breakfast, and my twins were off the school, I began doing the PNBC DVD only this time. I really like the DVD and the exercises on them. This DVD has me doing five exercise workouts. While doing these workouts, I still consider myself a beginner so I follow the lady doing the "beginner" exercises.
Once my morning exercises were completed, I checked my emails and began writing for the various people and companies I get paid to write for.
As lunchtime rolled around, I was not sure what I wanted this time for lunch. So, I took a look at my 60 Day Menu Plan and decided on the Grilled Cheese/Tomato Soup lunch. Well, I have always loved a Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Tomato Soup, so this was a meal that I could easily eat.
While I was eating my lunch, I was also online, reading my emails and writing my articles. I was also listening to a variety of radio programs on iTunes.
When it came time for dinner, I decided to have Breakfast for Dinner. This time, I had eggs and bacon and my always yummy Lemon Water.
Alright, this is a wrap for today and I shall see you tomorrow. Have a great evening my blog readers and those seeking to stay in shape and eat healthy too.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
TwiceToddlers(No More) and Day Nine of 60 Day Slimdown
So, for today's breakfast, I had another Strawberry Smoothie. I am beginning to enjoy drinking a smoothie for breakfast everyday. Even though this is not the only breakfast meal in the 60 Day Slimdown, it is the easiest to make. In the next couple of days, I think I will make an egg breakfast for breakfast and dinner. More protein is what I need and I really love eggs, the whole egg.
On this day, for my exercise, I could have chosen to do Cardio #1 or Option A. Option A is a 26 minute workout. Today, I prefer Cardio #1, but next time I will go with Option A.
As lunchtime rolled around, I decided to make a Chicken Salad Wrap. These too are really easy to make and well, I love wraps. So, for the next two days, I might just make myself some wraps.
This time, for dinner I made Stir Fry. This is something I have to made in a long time, 60 Day Slimdown Plan, or not. For this meal, I used chicken instead of shrimp. This was the most easiest meal to make and tasted oh so delicious. This is a must eat meal on this 60 Day Meal Slimdown plan.
This is an excellent way for me and my body to stay in shape for myself and my twins. My twins have so much energy, praise the Lord, but Mommy does not! Personally, this is the best exercise and diet plan I have ever been on.
Well, until tomorrow my blog readers. Eat well and eat right, stay in shape for all your life!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Eight of 60 Day Slimdown
Today was a special day for my twins, at school, because they were given some awards. Both of them were Student of the Month, with some of their other class mates. I will write another article about this tomorrow. Anyway, I was not able to eat my lunch until we all got home from this reward ceremony.
For lunch, I made my Raspberry Salad and it was even better today than the one I ate yesterday. I used all the same ingredients as I did yesterday, but today it tasted better. Maybe it was the smile on my face from seeing my twins receiving their rewards for being good friends and students in class.
Just like lunchtime, I did not have time to make my dinner because my twins had ballet class tonight. So, once we got home from ballet, I made my dinner. Actually, I was having leftovers of the meatless chili from the night before. Tonight's chili tasted the same as last nights. The only thing was, I did not have to make it from scratch!
Today was my rest day from exercising, so tomorrow morning I will resume my exercising and get back into the swing of things. Oh! and I found my free weights too. Yeah, they were in my window seat.
So, see you tomorrow my blog readers and have a good evening/day!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Here are some tips on composting
Composing helps break down household and garden materials to provide nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous to your garden and soil. But most importantly, composting is an effective way to reduce the amount of waste in your house and local landfills.
Where should I put my compost container?
Essentially, in order for your compost to be effective it needs four things: organic material, moisture, air, and heat, so keep this in mind before deciding on where to place your container.
Be sure to put it in an area that gets a relative amount of sunlight and loosen up any soil that is under the container beforehand. Once your container is in place, you should add a layer of twigs, small branches, or dead plants before adding anything else to the compost.
Also, try to find a tight-fitting lid for your compost so animals won’t get into it, and be sure to drill some holes in the bottom for drainage.
What should I put in my compost container?
Experts recommend that you put an equal amount of greens (materials that are high in nitrogen), and browns, (materials that are high in carbon). At first you should add a layer of brown material, and then add a layer of green on the top with soil (about one inch).
Here is a list of the most common items that you can put in your compost:
● Leaves
● Coffee grounds and filters
● Flowers
● Leftover fruit and vegetables
● Plants
● Tea bags
● Hair
● Grass
● Wood ash
● Straw
● Sawdust
● Woodchips
● Lint
● Kleenex
● Kitchen scraps
● Egg shells
What shouldn't’t I put in my compost container?
● Meats
● Fish
● Dairy products
● Fats
● Barbecue charcoal
● Bones
● Oil
● Feces
● Peanut butter
● Card with laminated plastic (e.g. juice cartons)
● Shiny magazines
● Diseased plants
● Anything acidic
● Glass
● Toxic or diseased plants
● Walnut shells and leaves
● Plastic
● Metal
If you add any cardboard boxes, shredded newspapers, or Styrofoam to your compost, make sure you tear them up into tiny little pieces before adding it to the pile,(and be careful not to add too much).
What can I do to speed up the composting process?
Try using a shovel or even a stick to “stir” up your compost to move around the soil. Because you don’t want your compost to get too dry, it may be a good idea to moisten it down with water or even leftover juice. You should poke holes or stir your compost pile once every two to three weeks.
Also, try to cover the top of your compost with a thin layer of brown material (like leaves) to help keep away the flies. And try to add food scraps in the center of the pile rather than around the sides.
I’m having problems with my compost, what should I do?
Composting is a “trial and error” process, so don’t be alarmed if you’re having troubles with your compost container as it is quite common and natural.
If your compost simply isn’t composting, then try to moisten it with water. If your compost gives off any kind of bad odour, it probably means that you have added too many greens to the container. (Try adding some more browns, or top off the pile with a layer of soil). However, if your container smells like rotten eggs, it means your compost isn’t getting enough air. If this happens, you should be turning your pile as much as humanly possible for several days until the odour is gone, and then top it off with a layer of soil.
Also, if you’re having a problem with flies or animals rummaging around in your container, be extra careful to bury all food with a layer of soil, (about two to four inches). If you’re starting to notice a large number of ants in your pile, it usually means that your compost is too dry.
Bio: Lisa Shoreland is currently a resident blogger at Go College, where recently she's been researching math scholarships as well as dental scholarships. In her spare time, she enjoys creative writing, practicing martial arts, and taking weekend trips.
Monday, March 7, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Seven of 60 Day Slimdown
Since it was Monday, I rested again, but really wanted to work out again. I can not wait until Tuesday to begin working out again.
For lunch, I made a delicious Raspberry Salad. This time, I added the right amount of Raspberry Vinaigrette and I could have eaten another one!
After eating lunch,I watched some television, mainly shows on the food network and some other channel I like.
When my twins came home from school, I looked in their school bag, as always and asked what they learned in school today. Like always, they say "nothing". I say to them, "So, you are in school for three hours and you learned nothing. How about some new songs?".
At dinner time, I made the Meatless Chili and I have to say it was delicious too. I made enough for ten more meals. In fact, I had to put some in my freezer!
Come back tomorrow and see what my meal plan for my eighth day will be. Who knows, it might be the same!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Sunday, March 6, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Six Day Slimdown
For this day, instead of drinking a smoothie, I made a oatmeal with 1 apple and drank a glass of water with lemon. I figured it was time to change it up. When it came time for lunch, I made a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup. I really love both these for lunch or dinner, but this is only a required lunch meal. Thank goodness the weather is still cold and wet. This is not something I want to eat in warmer weather.
As dinnertime rolled around, I decided to make something different. Like breakfast, it was also time to change dinner up a bit as well. For dinner, I made a meatless chili. This again is something I do not intend to eat when the weather gets warmer.
Ever since beginning this 60 Day Slimdown, I have to say I have not felt any hunger, whatsoever. These meals are prepared with just the right amount of food for one or four people. If need be, the recipes can be made for only one person like me and not my family.
Tomorrow is Monday and I will write my new blog article with my breakfast, lunch and dinner menu, along with what time and how long it took me to go through the exercise DVDs.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Saturday, March 5, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Five of 60 Day Slimdown
For my exercise routine today, I used the CMJ DVD. Cardio is the number one emphasis on the Slimdown and of course eating healthy meals throughout the day. There is no need to go without a meal during the day with this meal plan.
There are even snack ideas provided to the busy Mommy's feeding or playing with their precious babies. The only way to stay healthy and in shape, is to eat the right foods to fuel your body and mind.
After my lunch, an hour after, I treated myself to a 1 cup of grapes and 1/4 cup of almonds.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Friday, March 4, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Four of 60 Day Slimdown
With that being said, this morning for breakfast, I has a Strawberry Smoothie. One of my twins, Twin "A", loves Strawberries, while Twin "B", on the other hand, does not like Strawberries at all. So, when Twin "A" saw my Strawberry Smoothie, she picked up on and kept drinking from my Starbucks Smoothie cup. As much as I love seeing her drinking the yummy smoothies I make, I had to tell her to please stop drinking my smoothie, this is my breakfast.
Now, for lunch, I had one Chicken Salad Wrap, not two as described on the list of lunch foods I can eat. Yeah, I am a small person and therefore, I can only eat one of these delicious wraps at a time.
Let's see, for dinner tonight I might have Breakfast for Dinner or Soft Tacos. There are sixteen Dinner meals to look at and choose from, but I do not have all the ingredients in my home for a lot of these meals. I tend to stay away from two of the meal ingredients, but the rest of these meals are something I would eat everyday.
So, TGIF to you and stay safe in whatever weather you live in!
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Thursday, March 3, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Three of 60 Day Slimdown
Now, since I was not at home in the morning to do my daily exercises, I let my lunch digest a while, them I did the CFS DVD, for Phase 1 and the PNBC DVD with four exercises and finally a Cool Down.
For Dinner, made soft tacos with the leftover taco meat in my refrigerator.
I really like this 60 Day Slimdown Program. It is simple, easy to do and will change the way you think of "exercise and diet". This Slimdown is designed for Pre-Natal, Post-Natal and the Way Past Pregnancy Phase in your life. I say way past pregnancy phase because my twins are now five years old, but like I stated on my first article post, my tummy and whole body could use a slimdown, indeed.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

When Pier 1 Outdoor Furniture Arrives, You Know Spring Has Arrived
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pier 1 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
With the arrival of Spring, you know it is time to be outdoors. The weather is finally getting warmer and with warmer weather, it is time to be outdoors, planting flower and vegetable seeds. After planting seeds, you will want to take a break outdoors as well. Now, you can take a break on the best outdoor/indoor furniture around. This furniture only comes from Pier 1. If you love the look and feel of Rattan chairs, them you have got to look at the Rattan Sunset Pier Outdoor Deluxe Settee, along with the Rattan Sunset Pier Outdoor Deluxe Chair and the Rattan Sunset Pier Outdoor Deluxe Ottoman . When you purchase this whole Rattan Seating arrangement, you can also look at the variety of cushions as well. The cushions you can look at and purchase are the Whimsical Garden Cushions, Outdoor Blue Cushions and various other colors to your liking.
Sure, it is time to be outdoors, but did you know Pier 1 furniture can be used as indoor/outdoor furniture as well? Talk about versatile furniture! Not only can you purchase the Rattan outdoor furniture, for indoors, you can also purchase the Coco Cove Outdoor Swivel Chair and/or Coco Cove Outdoor Dining Chair for your indoor seating pleasure. To complete your indoor/outdoor look, you can look at and purchase some stunning indoor/outdoor rugs as well.
If you do not want to miss out on any sales or outdoor seating you like, it is best the sign up for the Pier 1 Outdoor newsletter. This is the best way to ensure you do not miss out on your favorite outdoor items. Right now is the best time to sign up for this newsletter because there will be an in-store weekend special on March 18-20 you will not want to miss out on. March 20th is the beginning of Spring. Once Spring arrives, I intend to purchase new items for my patio to celebrate being able to play outdoors, again. The first thing I intend to purchase are some candles for my patio table and a rug to place under my patio table too.
Don't forget that along with your new outdoor furniture, you can add such items as black and white planters and some pillar candles.
Finally, are you aware of the Pier 1 Tweetups? If not, you and your friends can have a Tweetup, with Pier 1 in a city near you. Right now, there are Pier 1 Tweetups in Florida, Texas, Georgia and New York. When you attend a Tweetup Meeting at the Pier 1 near you, it will be a time for looking at the new Pier 1 product line, snacking and meeting other Izea bloggers.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) and Day Two of the 60 Day Slimdown
This morning for breakfast, I made a strawberry smoothie and had a toasted slice of wheat bread, with a slice of 2% cheese and one slice of bacon. First, I toasted the bread slice, the placed the cheese and bacon (cut in half) on the cheese and put in the microwave for 10 seconds. I have to say, it was a very filling breakfast, indeed.
Right now, for my always late lunches, I am eating a Chicken Wrap and after lunch have my glass of water, iced water with a taste of lemon in it. This is something I did while pregnant with my twins. I used to add lemon or lime to my iced water; in a 64 oz plastic container. Yeah, I am not a fan of plain water, even if it has gone through a filter, which mine does.
For my exercise today, I did a Fit Test and Cardio #1, as assigned to me on my second day of exercise.
Tomorrow, I will again write about what I ate for dinner as I am not sure yet what I want to eat. Thank goodness there are more than five dinner meals to choose from.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Level l or Level 2**

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
TwiceToddlers (No More) Doing the 60 Day Slimdown
After printing out the 60 Slimdown Program documents last night, I looked over all that is required for this Slimdown. This Slimdown comes with four DVDs with Lindsay Brin and two of her assistants, a 60 day Daily Meal Plan and so much more. This program is very impressive and for someone who has not worked out since 2008, this is a much needed Slimdown program.
This morning, from the list of foods I can eat, I made a Berry Smoothie and ate half of a Apple with Cinnamon. This actually filled me up just enough to make it to lunchtime.
After my hubby dropped our twins off at school, I checked my emails, then opened up the first and second DVD for Phase 1 of my Slimdown. This Slimdown is to be done in phases. There is Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3. Each phase has me using one or two DVDs.
Since working out everyday is not recommended, in Phase 1, Lindsay has me working out three days in a row, the resting one day, then working out two days in a row, then resting. Lindsay does not have the workout days marked as Sunday-Saturday as, like me, you might not begin your Slimdown on Sunday. Like me, I began my workout on Tuesday, March 1st. I decided to begin my workout on March 1st and will end my workout May 1st.
So, after my hubby dropped off out twins, I looked at all the information needed for Phase 1. Like I stated above, I used the PNBC and CFS DVD's. In the first DVD, Lindsay has two assistant's, a Beginner and Intermediate, while Lindsay in Advanced. Since I have not worked out since 2008, I will be looking at the Beginner in this workout DVD.
Also, since this was my first day working out, I will have to find two objects Lindsay used in this PNBC DVD. I know they are in my home, just hid them from my twins when they were babies. For the CFS DVD, I will also have to use one more item in my home for another exercise.
Well, I have to say, these exercises are very doable and if done as Lindsay subscribes, I will do just fine. I am looking forward to eating my dinner tonight and working out again tomorrow too.
**Each day, I will be writing about what I ate and how this Slimdown program is working out on my body. If you too are interested in this 60 Day Slimdown, you can click on the link above and receive 30% off your order. To receive 30% off, please use Code: DayDVD30. Along with the above DVD set, if your baby or babies are still in a stroller, you will love the free Stroller Pump workout.Once at this link, please use any one of these Codes:"sp1" or "sp2" for Leve l or Level 2**