Well, let me start off my saying, NO. We are human and having patience is learned, not taught, in my opinion. Patience is something my husband, parents, sister and my friends pray for, for me that is. I, on the otherhand, am not a fan of praying for patience because I know if I pray for it, God will test me to see why I am not being a patience Mommy and good example to my girls.
Once I earnstly pray and seek patience from the Lord, I know I will have to act on it. Is this a good thing in the whole scheme of things? Do you ever wish you had a bucket full of patience to give out to your children, toddlers or not, or even your adult family members?
I remember once I prayed for patience and all I got was more frustrated. In fact, I recall my level of anger rising. How is this possible? I really want to have patience, in fact I think it is a good thing to possess patience. Being short all the time just causes stress and a boat load of anxiety and the Lord does not want us being anxious for anything.
God is in control and "God is still on the Throne and Prayer Changes things"-from Dr. Noah Hutchings radio show.
You see, I know this, and yet, it is difficult for me to act upon the knowledge I know is in my mind and heart.
Who knew being a parent of two, precious and fun loving, two year and three month old twins could be so life altering? God did. He answered this prayer for me more likely than not before I was even born. He knew I would be the only one in my family able to take care of my girls, strong willed or not. He also knew that because I profess Him as my Lord and Savior, I would have to rely on Him and Him alone.
The only question I have for myself now, is, why am I not doing what should come so naturally to me, praying. Praying to my Lord and Savior for guidance, peace and patience above all. It is not as if I do not want or seek all these things, it is because I am human first and my flesh always seems to get in the way of my relationship with my first love.
I know, if I want a better relationship with my darling twins, I first need a strong relationship, once again, with my Savior.
So, there you have it, this is what I need to do in order to have patience, Pray. Pray all the time and pray with thanksgiving to my Lord who died on the cross for my daily sins and ungrateful heart.
Patience, it is much needed in today's world.
Patience, it can only come from the One who created me.
Without patience and a kind spirit, I will be in despair and this is not something I want or need.
God Bless everyone!
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