Are you looking to get Lasik eye surgery? If so, did you know Lasik patients are consumers who need special information to select a Lasik doctor. The USAEyes patient advocacy organization publishes the 50 Tough Questions For Your Lasik Doctor and conducts a national Lasik results survey to certify select Lasik surgeons. USAEyes is the Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance (CRSQA), a nonprofit Lasik patient advocacy organization. For over a decade the website has helped patients learn important issues about Lasik and similar vision correction surgery.
USAEyes maintains an interactive Internet bulletin board where Lasik patients can post questions and received researched answers both before surgery and after. A US Congressional subcommittee cited USAEyes as a reliable source of Lasik information and USAEyes representatives have testified before the FDA.
The USAEyes website complies with the Health On The Net code standard for trustworthy health information.
Finally, the USAEyes
CORE Patient Survey reports real-world Lasik results as experienced by patients. Newsweek, CBS News, National Public Radio, NBC NIghtly News, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, MSNBC, and Oprah have called on USAEyes for the patient’s perspective on Lasik.
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6 years ago
Interesting blog thanks for sharing.