You know how I talk about the Discovery Channel TV Show Hi-5 in some of my blog posts? Well, here again is a great reason to let your children watch Hi-5 as well. My twins, God love them, are so bright. They seem to pick up everything they watch on these shows.
In the past week, my twins, Twin "B" in particular, have begun signing "I Love You." You know, lifting up her thumb, pointer and pinkie fingers to say, "I Love You."
There is this one episode of Hi-5 where Jen and Chatterbox are signing and singing, "Say Hello, Say Goodbye, Say I Love You...Say Hello, Say Goodbye, Say I Love You."
Now, my twins have been watching this one episode for some time now, and all of a sudden, they, well Twin "B", have begun signing. When my twins were still infants, I would sign to them, but now, they are learning from a TV show.
I think I will purchase a sign language DVD for them to learn sign as well. I learned sign language in the second or third grade.
God Bless my sweet as a sponge three year olds.
Drinking Coffee and Inflammation Issues
A long time ago, I found this company online and had to try it out. So, I
have been drinking this herbal coffee/tea for over 5 years now. When I
found out ...
6 years ago
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