Wow, it is amazing how much my twins are growing, right before my eyes. Not only are the growing in height, they are growing in language skills and knowledge. I do have to give some credit to the educational shows they watch and of course, Daddy and Mommy.
Today, they are at daycare with their friends and they love going too. Although, they do fret about going, then, once they are there, they have a blast.
My twins still have their own unique Twin Talk as well. They can rattle on about something for minutes at a time and I have no idea what they are talking about. It is the cutest thing as this is one of their twin bonding things.
God Bless my healthy twins girls. Or, as they say, Two Baby Goils!
Drinking Coffee and Inflammation Issues
A long time ago, I found this company online and had to try it out. So, I
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6 years ago
That's wonderful! it must be an absolute blessing to have twins. Enjoy every moment of them. My kids are 7 and 10 and boy the time flies.