
Saturday, June 21, 2008

TwiceBabies and Mommy Stay Indoors Today

Wow, it was a scorcher today in my city. It was 103!! Yeah, there was no way I was taking my girls and me outdoors today.

I had planned on taking them to our play date at the park, but when I woke up this morning, I knew it would be at hot one.

So, all day, we watched their learning shows and I read books to them. Another reason we did not go to the park was my cold. I, and my girls, still have a sore throat and my sinuses are just out of control. Mucus so thick....both nostrils are filled with it. Makes Mommy not a happy camper to say the least. It is not easy to have fun when Mommy is not well.

Hopefully, this weekend, the weather will cool down a little bit, down to the 90's would be nice.

God Bless cool indoor day!!

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